1988 Hartian
A2 Ludington Daily News, Wednesday, April 16, 2003
h a r t h igh SCHOOL
I n M emory O f TODD JAMES ROBBINS H a r t H igh S choo l CLASS of. I988
In memory of The Hart Schools complex boasts a new memorial at the Johnson Street entrance. Hart High School administrative assistant, Ruth Anne Hacket created a memorial to local war hero, Todd Robbins, a 1988 Hart graduate. Robbins’ funeral is today in Hart.
U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq Total search results: 1 Results 1 - 1 displayed.
Todd J. Robbins Robbins died in combat April 3, 2003. Age: 33 Hometown: Hart, Mich. Died: 04/03/2003 Service: Army Rank: Sgt. Unit: C Battery, 3rd Battalion, 13th Field Artillery Regiment (Multiple Launch Rocket System), Fort Sill, Okla.
Harr High School 300 Johnson Srreer Harr, Michigan 49420
1988 Harrian Somerhing Different Table Of Conrenrs
O p e n in g ....................................2 Juniors ............................. . . . . 81 S p o r rs .......................... ............ 19 A c a d e m ic s ................... . . . . 87 S e n io r s ....................... . . . . 49 A c riv irie s .......................... . . . . 9 9 F r e s h m e n ................. . . . . 69 A d ve rrisem en rs. . . . . . . 115
Sophomores . . . . . . . . 75 C lo s in g ............................. . . . 148
It's been a year of change. Changes in friendship, fashion, music, and personal growth. We've seen our teachers strike and we've seen some switch subject areas. Mr. Marshall rook a different step in reaching by dropping government and picking up chemistry. When asked how he liked this change he was quoted as saying, "Oh, I love it.” He also reaches biology and finds the change fun and refreshing, bur a lor of work. We also acquired a new superin tendent, Mr. Patrick Gaudard, who had a lor of new ideas to be tried. He's interested in giving an equal edu cation to every student, nor only to
college bound students, bur to those nor going ro college as well. This year we even rook a different approach ro lunch. Two lunch periods were squeezed into our schedule, both of which interfered with fourth hour, our social life and cur down the amount of rime we had ro ear. We had 8:00 classes this year, and 8:30 classes in Shelby. At 8:00 we had drafting and yearbook. In Shelby calculus and Spanish were held or 8:30. The year has been full of changes nor only in the world, bur within our school, as well, bur we've had fun and it's been worth it! By Holly Cofer, senior 1) Mr Mike Trego, bond direcror, asks, "Whor's your sign?" 2) Chef Richard Hunringron? 3) Lance Malburg and Roberr Yeager Trying ro make a polirical impacr on rhe srudenr body during srudenr council elections. 4) New superinrendenr Patrick Gaudard working hard ro make some changes.
1) A.J Hopper, new from Sourh Dend, Indiono, 2) Stephanie Murdock, one of rhe new srudenrs from Penrwarer, 3) "Spuds was here", soys Dianna Flanery, "bur now he's gone", adds Kevin Keck, 4) "Oh, no! rhey know we're freshmen", says Tracy Oomen, Heidi Tare and Dennis Pider 5) Jazz band, a new class inrroduced rhis year is made up of Andy Mason, Troy Hardy and reocher Mr Mike Trego, Sranding are Tom Jensen, Shannon Pasmussen, Shawn Drimmer, Tracy Oomen, Andy Alvesreffer and Crysral Whirney. 6) "Srrike One!" Teachers srrike for rhe firsr rime over salary, class size and unfair labor pracrices by rhe board of educarion
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As you're sirring in doss raking o resr, or lisrening ro one of rhe fascinar- ing lecrures one of our dear reachers or H.H.S. has cooked up for you, where does your mind wander off ro? Could ir be lazy days on rhe beach, sleeping in, parries, sraying our lore, or NO SCHOOL!:5!? Summer seems ro be rhe overall choice of seasons for Harr srudenrs. Can you blame rhem? Wirh acriviries such as boaring, swimming, wind surf ing, and jusr plain hanging our ar one of our rourisr rraps (such as Silver Lake or Penrwarer) who wouldn'r love ir? "Summer is a rime when I can jusr ger away from all of rhe pressures of homework, grades, parenrs and reachers", commenred Holly Cofer. Crystal Whitney's main complaint is rhe "traditional rourisrs", "Bur I don'r mind rhem if they're good looking guys", she added Dob Yeager's ex planation of summer was, "long days, hard work, and good rimes." When asked whar rhe best parr of summer was this is whar some of our H.H.S. srudenrs had ro say: Pete Barten, "No school, girls, no school, sand, no school, warer, no
school, sun, no school, beach parries and NO SCHOOL'" Nicole Woyne "Being able ro go our every nighr and sleep in every morn." K.C. Fowler, "Water skiing.” Chris Foster, "The pre Val-du ger rogerhers (in other words, PARTIES) wirh Rhonda, Dan, Traci, Donny, Bev, Alan and Darin." Chris Sebolt, "Ain't no school, noth ing bur beachin' and girls, girls, girls. Lloyd Cloud, "No books, no resrs, norhing except sleeping." Stephanie Murdock, "Going ro rhe beach, sleeping in. Tourisr friends come up." Amy Vanzoeren, "Going ro rhe beach and meeting guys!!!” Troy Fessenden, "Sleeping in." Kevin Stevenson, "Work and Uncle Jack!" Carlo Hovey, "Staying our lore, and my parenrs going ro Canada!" All in all, summertime is great for srudenrs and reachers alike. So when you think rhe school day will never end, jusr think of summer, ir's sure ro bring a smile ro your face! By Dianna Flanery, senior
1) Warch our Tami Zwade, you mighr perspire. 2) "Oh, I hope rhor hor chick norices me, bur rhen, how could she nor?'', soys Moris Sherman or Craigs Cruisers. 0) "This lady berrer rip me afrer oil of rhis", soys Tom Kaar while on rhe job or Hansen Foods. 4) Here is hard working Dove Masunas ar his summer job or rhe Penrworer Srare Paris. 5) Dob Yeoger, Lance Molburg, Tonia Sloan, and December Saucedo, were choosen ro arrend Boy’s and Girl's Srare rhis summer ar Cenrrol Michigan Universiry. 6) Jennifer Syer arrended cross counrry camp ar Wolverine 7) You look happy K.C. Fowler, whor's in rhe cup? 8) Amy Bamseyer and Declsy Sloan pracrice for rhe syncronized swim ream. (Aren'r rhey good?) 9) Todd and Troy Fessenden builr more rhan jusr muscles rhis summer. Shown wirh rhe resr of rheir crew ar worls on a log cabin, rhis was rheir summer job in Penrworer. 10) Afrer 10 hours of classroom work a day or summer yearbools camp, ar Oakland Universiry, Jenny Durns, Dianna Flonery, Holly Cofer, Andy Alvesreffer and Boss McCloskey comremplare jumping off rhe campus bridge 7
v Now if is over. High School. How could you forger your first dare, your first prom, or how obour getting cought in the holl 0 rimes os ohigh when you were supposed to be in ked for rhe posr class. There are just to many things to write down, so when you read rhis years w
1) "Hurry up and rake rhe picrure, rhis girl weighs a ron!", cries Crysrai Whirney of Holly Cofer. 2) Andy Carrer and Matt Gamble laugh ar half aw ake hone Tore, while Dovid Hill decides, "I'm sick of ■ying ro rurtDr rhis bunch, " □roh SiocunYs no march for rhis rough gang. biding her ore Scorr Felrner, K.C. Fowler, and iorcha! Carl~iy Ackley, and you rhoughr w e only rook sporrs pictures.
Imagine rhe day of a game againsr our long-rime rival Shelby. Can you feel rhe exciremenr walking down rhe haP The inrensiry is thick in rhe air. The cheerleaders bubbling with exciremenr. The ream players smiling wirh nervous anriciparion. Thar describes rhe one rhing rhar counts very high in our school . . . pride. There is so much ro be proud of in our school. Nor only arhlerics, bur rhe clubs as well hold many of rhe achievers rhar are proud of rhem- selves and rheir school. Everyone really seems ro stick rogerher when ir comes ro all of our achievemenrs, including srudenrs, teachers, and our community. Mr. Shepich, our arhleric director, stored, "our arhleric program is well rounded. We offer rhe widesr range of inrerscho lasric sporrs in our league.’' He added, "in rhe past six 1) Sophomore, Connie Helmer shows off her new class ring she received Wednesday September 16, from Josrens. 2) "W e're proud ro be Pirates!", shours Mindy 10
years, Harr has won rhe all sporrs rrophy three rimes, and rook second rhe other rhree years which proves we're competitive ", Mr Shepich fur ther said, "w e have community sup port wirh rhe finest comples in rhe area." Mr. Hunringron is proud of our school as well. This is his comment as ro why we are proud, over fifry per cent of rhe srudenr body is involved in some kind of sporr or club, and we compare favorably ro rhe other schools in our conference." We would like our pirares ro know we srood behind rhem 100%. We are proud of all rhe people who showed rhe pride rhey felr, and we hope rhar rhis pride we felr will sray alive for generations ro come. GO PIRATES!!!
By Diane Sruder, senior b Dianna Flanery, senior
Clark, shown here wirh Tomi Zwode and Karla Gole. 3) Junior, Kelly Chase smiles, she knows she's o Pirore
1) J V. Cheerleader Anna Dabmec 2) J V Foorball player Ron Deal 3) Smiling proudly afrer a winning presidenrial speech is December Saucedo. 4) When asked why she was proud ro be a pirare Kendra Walsworrh jusr smiled 5) Ms Rurh Ann Hackerr smiles while doing some of her everyday tasks for our school 6) These vigorous, high-spirired juniors and seniors demonsrrare rheir pride in becoming upper classmen during rhe opening assembly on rhe firsr day of school
all been waiting for arrived, rhe an nouncement of rhe 1987-88 Home coming King and Queen , . . Pete Darren and December Saucedo. Then for rhe special first dance of rhe eve ning for rhe royal couple and rheir court. The courr included Senior King ond Queen candidates: Karla Gale, Mart Gamble, Carhy Ackley, Mike Kokx, Mindy Clark and K.C. Fowler. The class represenrarives were: juniors, Troy Hardy and Susie Dlockmer; soph omores, Corey Micheal and Jaci Miller; and finally freshman, Mike Ei- senlohr and Mory Dlohm. Even though rhe Pirates didn’r win rhis game againsr Whitehall, ir didn’t dampen our spirirs or rhe donee, and managed ro brighren a dismal evening. Dy Dianna Flanery, senior 2) Homecoming Royalry Queen, December Soucedo ond King, Perer Darren 3) Danielle Willerr ond Mario VanAllsburg watch rhe game, prorecred from rhe elemenrs. 4) Sophomore Class Represenrarives: Corey Michoel ond Joci Miller,
On rhe dreary evening of October 2, 1987, floors were completed, bur drooping from rhe moisture The band was runed up, ready ro play our fighr song. The cheerleaders were fired up, ready ro cheer. The srudenrs were ready ro support our ream, and rhe players, anticipating victory, were ready ro play. This was rhe serring of our annual homecoming. Everything began as planned except for rhe weather, bur rhe rain and cold weren't enough ro spoil rhis memorable event. Things were handled a lirrle differ ently rhan rhe traditional ways. Due ro rhe roin, our royalty was crowned or rhe dance instead of on rhe field ar halfrime. Parents and srudenrs gathered in rhe gym ro see whar rhe outcome would be. Then rhe moment we had 1) Dreariesr homecoming in hisrory, 1987 If rhe roin wosn'r enough ro dampen our spirirs, rhe sprinkling sysrem accidenrly rurning on during rhe fourrh quarrer, managed ro drown any hopes w e had of enjoying rhe game 14
1) Freshmen Class Representatives Mike Eisenlohr and Mary Blohm. 2) Dusrin Miller says, "This half of rhe money we earned from Homecoming rhis Fall, will buy a nice new ourfir for Prom nexr Spring." 3) Scorr Padilla Informs Tim Powers, "Hey Tim, some guy's raking a picrure of your besr side!" 4) Junior Class Representatives: Troy Hardy and Susy Blockmer. 5) 1987 Homecoming Court: Mike Kokx, Mindy Clark, K.C. Fowler, Karla Gale, December Saucedo, Peter Darren, Mart Gamble, Cathy Ackley, Troy Hardy, Susie Blockmer, Corey Michael, Jaci Miller, Mike Eisenlohr, Mary Blohm. 6) "W e have spirir . . . ", yells rhe senior class with pride, look ar all rhar red and white, what a pep assembly! 7) The freshman float rook second place, looks nice, good job parenrs.
My Friend And I Desr friends, whor ore they
Someone you con rell everyrhing Tracy Oomen, freshman
" . . . Someone who listens ro your problems and won’r laugh ar rhem, or rell rhem ro anyone else." Melissa Kennedy, freshman " . . . Someone you con rell anything ro without being laughed ar, and understands your problems." Reid Sisson, junior
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" . . . Someone who you can rell everyrhing ro and rhey mighr think you're stupid, bur won't rell you " Susan Yeager, sophomore " . . . Someone you can rell your stupidest secrets, without feeling stupid " Carol Fillips, junior " . . . Someone that will talk ro you when you're hurt, and won't embarrass you." Jenny Syer, junior " . . . Someone who believes in you and shares all of your happy and sad moments. Someone you can feel comfortable with about your secrets, and won't repeat rhem ro anyone" December Saucedo, senior
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1) Shannon Rasmussen's shirr explains ir all 2) Susy Blackmer and Ann Hunringron sure are nor camera shy. 3) Whar a rowdy bunch of people 4) Friends, Paula Lipps and Carol Fillips
Locker Scene Lockers ore a cenrral parr of all srudenrs' acriviries, so we'd like ro dedicate rhis page ro rhe lockers of Harr High! They have personality, mu sical ability, character and versatility. They make accomodations for vis- tors, winter and old assignments. Locker inspections are some of rhe funniest times of rhe year. Srudenrs are rushing around trying ro ger rheir lockers clean before Mr. Huntington srarrs his rounds, trying ro ger rheir popcans our before "you know who'' rakes rhem. Lockers are a very important parr of highschool life. How they're deco rated certainly displays whar rhe indi vidual is really like. Everyone likes ro decorare lockers, bur ar rhe end of rhe year cleaning our a locker can be sad, bur filled with memories. By Jenny Tubbs, senior
1) Dill VanderZaden and Nick Confreres our of
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class again.
2) Drad Airland rhe "Meralhead" 0) Freshman Druce Dennison shows us he can open a locker, 4) Ir's so easy ro have fun ar H.H.S., isn'r ir Crysral Puggles and Gidger Perry? 5) Sophomore, Susan Yeager and bodyguard 6) Anna Dabinec, Amy Krajewski, Jaci Miller, Michelle Dillingham, Melissa Kennedy and Lisa Sobers, aren’r rhey special.? Parry Vargas
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Foil Runners ^
Show Marked Improvement our runners made All-County: Colvin Ackley, Reid Sisson, Jenny Syer, and Carhy Ackley. Calvin Ackley, Jenny Syer, and Carhy Ackley ran away wirh All-Conference. Carhy and Jen ny also rook first and second in rhe counry meer. One person rhe ream will miss, is senior, Carhy Ackley. Carhy also had All-Region, and All-State. She ser five course records rhis season ar White Cloud, Harr, West Shore, Shelby and Newaygo. She also earned rhe rec ognition of "A thlete o f the Week1', by WZZM-TV. The ream did very well though, according ro coach DuMonre. By Andy Alvesreffer, junior
Many people associate football and girl's basketball as Fall sports, bur so is cross country. The ream ran wirh seven guy rum ners, and rwo lady pirates. Coach Dave DuMonre stared, "They were rhe funniest ream I had.” DuMonre especially commented on rhe way they improved each rime Tom John son was elected as ream caprain, and Calvin Ackley as mosr valuable player. The biggesr thrill was having three runners in rhe rop ren ar rhe Oceana County Invitational. They were os follows: Calvin Ackley, Reid Sisson, and Troy Gebharr. Two run ners, Calvin and Reid, earned med als, raking third place overall. Four of
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Carhy Ackley's in WZZM's sporlighr, as TV-13's "Arhlere of rhe Week". Cross Country Team, bock: Rhonda Ego, Tom Johnson, Reid Sisson, Orion Sr. Cloir, Carhy Ackley, Troy Gebharr, Coach Dave DuMonre. Front. Jenny Syer, Colvin Ackley, Andy Alvesreffer, and Chris Oosse. Rhondo Ego, Jenny Syer, and Andy Alvesreffer wairing ro leave for a meer. Tom Johnson srruggles ro rake control.
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Carhy Ackley and Jenny Syer rook firsr and second ar rhe counry meer. Represenrarives from Shelby and Walkerville also rook placings. Carhy Ackley in boy's J V. race ar Shelby, while Jenny Syer is behind. Senior Runners: Tom Johnson, Troy Gebharr, and Corhy Ackley.
Carhy Ackley srrurring ir our.
Cross Country Scoreboard
Harr Placed:
5rh 4rh 6rh
W.M.C. Jamboree W.M.C Jamboree M.C.C. Invirarional W.M.C. Jamboree W.M.C. Jamboree Oceana Invirarional Tri Counry
1 st 5rh 4rh 3rd 14rh
Tom Johnson rakes rhe lead.
All-Conference, Carhy Ackley, Colvin Ackley & Jenny Syer.
Golf Teom, bock: Eric Whitaker, Drer Foster, Sean Walsh, Tom Jensen. Front: Shane Hasty, Drerr Deachum, Darb Olson, Tyghe Mahynski. Coach Phil Kenyon getting into practice. Dretr Deachum swears he’s only two over par. Tyghe Mahynski trying to set the ball down on the 17rh green. Darb Olson trying nor to 7 purr. Darb Olson is hoping for the perfect drive.
"Golfing wirh Phil was quire the experience. We learned many jokes, and had rhe pleasure of riding ro Manisree on on inrermediare bus. We also learned ways ro pick up woirresses ar Pizza Hur, bur rhar's a differenr srory." — K.C. Fowler, senior
Golf Scoreboard
Harr 221 203 210 206 398 194
191 W.M. Christian 169 Manisree Carh.
Fremont Manisree Ludingron
172 162
186 Kent City
Regional 393 Conference Jamboree 1572
Golf Team Tries Inexperienced Hampers Players Progress
"We have a porenrially good golf ream, bur rhey have ro work on rheir game more during rhe summer", srared coach Phil Kenyon. Kenyon also said, "This is rhe mosr inexperi enced ream I have ever coached." This years golf ream had a hard Fall wirh a 0 and 9 record, and a fifrh place conference finish. Kenyon said rhis years biggesr rhrill was, "Sropping ar Pizza Hur in Main- sree." And rheir worsr momenr,
"Gerring ro Mainsree lore, and rhen finding our we weren'r supposed ro be rhere rhar day." This years golfers ro received varsi- ry lerrers were: Darb Olson |sr, Sean Walsh 1sr, Tyghe Mahynski 1sr, Drerr Deachum 2nd, Brer Fosrer 2nd, and K.C Fowler 3rd. Brerr also was All- Conference for rhe second year in a row. By James Jensen, junior
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Aimee Ramseyer gives Harr "2 " Seniors: Mondy Hackerr, Jodi Vers- chueren, Tonia Sloon, Tomi Zwade and Mindy Clark.
"Our zone defense was our great est strength. We were awesome! The best in the league. Scortville was the only ream to give us problems. It also helped that our ream got along so well. We never let our personal feel ings get in the w a y .” — Tomi Zwade, 22
Girls Varsiry Basketball Scoreboard
54 41 42 68 52
Fremonr Walkerville Shelby Oakridge Montague Whitehall
64 50 45 47 45 48
59 51 Manistee Carh. Cen. 47 54 havenna 59 45 Whire Cloud 70 41 Norrh Muskegon 51 28 Penrwarer 46 54 Mason Counry Central 42 64 Hesperia 68 09 Shelby 52 49 Oakridge 58
Angie Conrreras is showing her moves ro rhe Spor rans.
Girl's Varsiry Basketball Achieves Best Record In Five Years
This was a special year for seniors Mindy Clark and Tami Zwade. They both earned all-conferenced honors. This was Tami Zwade's second year in a row for achieving rhar honor. She also ser rhe single game scoring record wirh 38 points ar Montague. When asked, how rhe year went, Tonia Sloan said, "Prerry good except for rhe rournamenr games." Howev er, They were rhe first ream ro reach rhe finals of rhe district rournamenr in five years, and mainrained rhe best record for rhe girls ream in five years. Dy Jenny Tubbs, senior
The varsiry girls basketball ream starred our on a bad note by losing rheir first game, 42-45, bur bounced back strong winning three games in a row. The girls ended rheir season with a record of 15-8 overall and 10-4 in rhe league. Selected by coach Wilson for rhe mosr valuable players were: Mindy Clark and Tami Zwade and rhe ream captains were also Mindy Clark and Tomi Zwade. Coach Wilson said, "The ream was very close this year and showed no jealousy. They were a very balanced ream."
Varsity Girl's Basketball Team (above) Front. Jodi Verschueren, Becky Sloan, Aimee Romseyer, Theresa Sauser. Dock. Angie Con treras, Tonia Sloan, Mandy Hackerr, Tami Zwade, Mindy Clark, Ann Hunringron, Carol Fillips.
Mandy Hackerr scrambles for rhe ball (top). Tami Zwade shows her boskerball skills when she our maneuvers a Tiger player (left).
Inspire O f A Difficult Season J.V.'s Show Potential
lr was o rough year for rhe youn ger pirare ream. The girls had a rough rime on rhe courr, ending rhe season wirh a 3-15 record. Alrhough rhey had difficulties, rhey displayed a lor of porenrial. When some of rhe players were asked how rhey felr about rhe season rhey generally agreed rhar rhey prac ticed well, and had good teamwork, bur had problems handling rhe pres sures of a game. Much of rhis was due ro rheir inexperience, and there should be real improvement next season. As freshman Mary Dlohm pur ir, "lr was a hard season since rhe ream was made up mainly of freshmen, bur I feel we worked real well togeth er." The reams biggest rhrill was bear ing Mason County Central ar home 39-35. They were coached by Mr. and Mrs, Dove Wilson. By Diane Sruder, senior
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The J.V. Girl's Basketball Team (rop) From rop ro borrorr ). Susie Mikkelson, Melissa Kempker, Heidi Tare, Heidi Brimmer, Chris Gray, Liz Lorenz, Mary Blohm, Jill Jacobs, Debbie Willerr, Cheryl Srevenson.
Jill Jacobs, "Biding rhe pine isn't fun." (Above)
Heidi Brimmer is being blocked while arrempring ro pass rhe ball. (Righr)
"Ir was a hard season since the ream was made up mainly of freshmen, bur I feel we worked real well rogerher." — Mary Dlohm, 13
J'.V. Girl’s Basketball Scoreboard
Fremonr Walkerville Shelby Oakridge Monrague Whitehall Ravenna Whire Cloud Penrwarer
45 32 33 31 43 41 40 53 20
30 30 24 27 35 34 30 36
35 Manisree Carh. Cent.
42 35 Mason County Central 39 41 Hesperia 32 39 Shelby 34 24 Oakridge 43 36 Monrague 30 37 Whitehall 35 42 Ravenna 31 58 Mason County Central 32
Quarterback Jeff Gebharr #12, abour ro hand off ro Shaun Day wirh Aaron Nass lead blocking (right). Shane Tare rakes off as rhe Pirares crush rhe defensive line (below).
Inexperience And Injuries Plague Varsity Football, Bur . . . Pirares End Season On High Note
The varsity foorball ream didn't have rhe best of luck this season. Lack of experience and injuries prohibited rhe ream from coming our wirh a winning season. Although rhey strug gled all season long, rhe Pirares end ed rhe year on a high nore, defeating Manisree Catholic 35-6. The ream ended rhe season wirh a record of 1- 8. Winning special recognition was Shane Tare, rhe Pirares leading run Varsity Football Team (Center), Fronr. Man ager Oscar Villanueva, Ross McCloskey, Shane Tare, Jeff Gebharr, Aaron Nass, Todd Robbins, Drenr Fosrer, Tony Alvesreffer, Manager Den Kaar. Middle■ Equipment Manager Druce An derson (Dig t In), Lorenzo Rodriguez, Shaun Day, Mark Sherman, Mart Gamble, Dob
ning back, as an All-Conference play er. When asked, Coach Dave Willerr said rhar despire rheir losing season rhe ream did have fun. Although a lor of good players are graduating, Coach Willerr said, rhe re turning members of rhe squad will be experienced, and wirh rhe players coming up from rhe J.V ., he has high hopes for nexr year. By Boss McCloskey, junior Yeager, Chris Gale, Dave Masunas, Head Coach Dave Willerr. Ooc/i- Assistant Coach Jack Heglund, Drian Srevens, Craig Masr, Mike Kokx, Mark Smith, Gary Tare, Drad Airland, Tim Kaar, Chuck Eckholm. Shane Tare rries ro find a hole in rhe defensive line wirh Marls Smith blocking (Dorrom right).
Coaches Heglund and Willerr, wirh RiOberr Parron and Todd Robbins, look Through rhe Terrible wearher or homecoming (lefr).
Varsiry Football Scoreboard
Harr 0 0 0 0 35 7
18 46 28 19 12 26 6
Whire Cloud Shelby Whitehall
North Muskegon Mainsree Gath Cen.
Oakridge Ravenna
6 0 14
Mason County Central
Junior Vorsiry Football Keeps On Getting Better And Berrer
The J.V. football ream was 2-6 overall, and 1-6 in league games. They also had a forfeit. This year's captains were: Paul Gil bert, Keith Clark, Bryan DeAugustine, Corey Michael and Joel Claeys. The mosr valuable player was Busty Smith, #10. The mosr valuable lineman was Paul Gilbert, and the mosr improved player was Travis
Tare. Coach Mark James said that, "De spite their record the ream kept get ting berrer and berrer." When asked how next year will go Chad Taylor answered, "We got a lor of experience from this coach, and we'll be berrer next year." By Jenny Tubbs, senior
Rusty Smirh tries ro dodge the Shelby blitz (rop). Junior Varsity Football Team Front: Rusty Smirh, Lynn VanSickle, Joe Alvesreffer, Mike White, Tim Powers, Dennis Pider, Bruce Denni son, Ron Rash, Troy Fessenden Middle Man ager Marls Pippen, David Torez, Chad Hasty, Brett Chase, Joe Torez, Scott Powers, Troy Lin- gren, Travis Tare, Chris Klorz, Mike Eisenlohr,
Manager Derrick Michael Dad s Coach Mark James, Mott Riggs, Bryon DeAugustine, Chad Taylor, Dan Trommarer, Par Wholen, Keith Claris, Robert Delgado, A J Hopper, Joel Claeys, Ron Deal, Coach Jim Frey Missing Moris Sherman, Corey Michael, Sam Romoin, Paul Gilbert
"When we did win, we used good teamwork. If we thought tough, we were." — Joel Claeys, 55
Junior Varsity Football Scoreboard Opp 32 White Cloud
Hart 12
43 33 28
Oakridge Shelby Ravenna
0 6 0
54 Whitehall
12 14
41 North Muskegon 30 Montague 24 Manistee Carh. Cen. forfeit
Quarterback Rusry Smith tries for a deep six (left).
Varsiry cheerleaders chanr (below).
J.V. cheerleaders Lisa Sobers, Jaci Miller, and Anna Dabinec warch rheir ream in anriciparion (rop right). Michelle Dillingham and Amy Krajewski or prac- rice (below left). Varsiry Foorball Cheerleaders December Sau- cedo, Susie Dcckm.er, Ronda Greiner, Lisa McGhan, Hearher Marrin, Tonya Thorne and Michele Srovall (below center).
''Cheerleading is a fun w ay of showing sup- porr for my classmares and friends." December Soucedo, senior
J.V. cheerleader Anna Dabinec worlss hard on locker signs.
Senior cheerleaders December Saucedo and Tonya Thorne finish rheir lasr foorball season
Varsiry cheerleader Lisa McGhan p» up a locker sign
Varsiry cheerleaders Tonya Thorne and Lisa McGhan proudly cheer on rheir football ream (lefr).
J.V, Melissa Kennedy, Amy Krojewski and Anna Dabinec rake a break during half rime (left). Varsiry cheerleaders: Michelle Srovall, Rondo Greiner, Lisa McGhan and Hearher Marrin
bear rhe cold, wind and rain of homecoming ro cheer (below).
Junior Varsity Football Cheerleaders: Michelle Dillingham, Anna Dabinec, Jaci Miller, Melissa Kennedy, Amy Krajewski and Lisa Sobers wirh advisor Miss Nancy Elenboas (borrom cenrer).
Fall Cheerleaders Accomplish Whar They Do Desr Promoting School Spirir!
said, 'it was very enjoyable, and we learned a lor even though, only five of rhe seven girls were able ro at tend.'' The cheerleaders do a lot ro pro mote school spirir. As December Sau- cedo responded, when asked what cheerleading meant ro her, "Cheer- leading is a fun way of showing sup port for my classmates and friends''. Dy Diane Studer, senior
Cheers, chants, pep assemblies and promoting school spirir are all a parr of what makes cheerleading what is is today. Our Fall cheerleaders spent one week at rhe United Stares Cheerlead ing Association camp at Grand Valley Stare University, during rhe summer. They learned mounts, skits, chants, and dances. V a rs iry c h e e r le a d e r Rondo Greiner, when asked about camp
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Wrestling Team Members, Front: Jason Riggs, Druce Dennison, Mike White, Dustin Miller, Larry Rasmus sen, Tony Alvesreffer, Don McGhan, Dennis Pider, Jeff McGhan, Second Row. Chris Dosse', John Earle, Dob Yeager, Dave Venne', Troy Gebharr, Tim Powers, Trenton Lynn, Greg Air land, Ross McCloskey, Mart Riggs. Third Row Shane Tare, Joel Claeys, Mark Sherman, Lorenzo Rodrigues, Brad Air land, Rich Bronkema, Brian Sr. Clair, Jim Gray, Ron Rash, Coach — Mark Dosse', and Todd Robbins. Missing. As sistant Coach Mark Dean. Bob Yeager uses a muscle hold ro pin his opponent (below). Dustin Miller gets psyched up for his march or the Hart Invitational (center). Troy Gebharr works ro get a take down (bottom).
Young, Bur Exciring!
The wrestling ream, with only five returning seniors, was young and in experienced. For many of these wrestlers, it was their first year in the sport. With a conference record of four wins, no losses and two ties, the team showed lasting endurance through out the season. The two ties were against Shelby and Scorrville. In oil tournament meets, our wres tlers never rook lower than a fourth place. Most of these were with class A & D Schools. Four wrestlers qualified for the Indi vidual Store Tournament. Lorry Ras mussen and David Venne both 34
placed second, and Brad Airland placed third. Trenron Lynn also wres tled at Stare. Brad Airland and Trenron Lynn both reached 100 wins. Brad also set a new school record for the most wins and technical falls for the season. Coach Mark Bosse was proud that all members made varsity. "Every wrestler was on asset ro the team'', commented coach Bosse'. A new comer to the program was assistant coach, Mark Dean. Mandy Fiockerr, Crystal Whitney and Danielle Willett also helped our os star takers and managers. By Crystal Whitney, senior
Harr's wresrler wirh rhe mosr wins, Drad Airland, goes for anorher one (Ieft).
Lorry Rasmussen, our 96 pounder, righrens his grip while working for a pin (left). Once again Trenron Lynn inflicrs pain on one of his victims (center).
Wrestling Scoreboard
Harr Placed:
Harr Placed:
Reerhs-Puffer Manisree Orchard View
W Revenna W Harr Inv. L Whitehall L Holron
Reerhs-Puffer Inv. 2nd.
Kelloggsville Inv.
Ludingron Inv. Pine River
L Comstock Park Inv.
2nd. 2nd.
Manisree Catholic W Conference
M.C.C. Shelby Hesperia
Tied District 5 qualified for Regionals Tied Regionals 4 qualifed for L Store Finals 3 placed
G.R. Union Inv.
2 rook 2nd., 1 rook 3rd.
"Wrestling's a rough sporr, bur all rhe hard work is worth it once you've achieved your goals.'' — David Venne', 126 lbs.
Dave Venne' winning some more poinrs for his ream.
Shane Tare, Harr's very own "King Kong" and his "Damsel in Disrress", Tim Powers deft). 35
Varsity Doys Basketball Team: Coach — Dick Huntington, Tim VanderLaan, K.C. Fowler, Jeff Gebharr, Mark Volpp, Mark Smith, Jeff Toliver, Darrell Cram, Tom Johnson, Shawn Drimmer, Scott Feltner, Aaron Nass, Mart Gamble, Dave Masunas (right). Pirates watch on as Shelby pulls ahead (below left). Senior Basketball Team Members: Jeff To liver, Tom Johnson, Shawn Drimmer, Mark Smith, Mart Gamble, Scott Feltner, K.C. Fowler (center-left). Hard game Jeff Gebharr, Mark Volpp and Tim VanderLaan? (Center-right). Jeff Toliver is moving in on Muskegon Catholic Central (bottom-right).
A Tall Varsiry Comes Up Shorr Eighty eight's varsiry basketball team had a very rough and hard fought season, to come up with a 8- 13 record, with eight hard fighting seniors, and a average 6'1" line up. The ream had five new juniors: Tim VanderLaan, Aaron Nass, Jeff Gebharr, Darrell Cram, and Mark Volpp. They also had a new Head Coach, Mr. Richard Huntington. Gamble added that his finest mo ments were, ''hanging on the rim.. But every ream has a few down rimes. Two of the most difficult were: losing the Holiday Tournament to Pentwarer, and losing to Shelby in a triple overtime. Senior Dave Masunas said the ream's biggest problems were that they didn't run enough, fast breaks, teamwork, "and that I didn't get to play enough."
There were many highlights during the season . Coach Huntington thought the bright spot of the season was bearing Mason County Central twice, and winning over both Shelby and Whitehall in the same week. Sen ior Shawn Drimmer said his best rimes were, "th e worm-ups of the Shelby and Whitehall gam es. " Senior Mart
Despite any problems the ream may have had, two seniors, Scott Feltner and Mark Smith, were voted All Conference players. These players were selected by all the coaches in the league. By James Jensen, junior
Aaron Nass is starring ro figure our how ro play hoop (left). Mark Smith is going in and up for rwo against Muskegon Carholic Central (bortom left).
Boys Varsity Basketball Scoreboard
59 59 65 72 54 60 67 66 82
N. Muskegon Monrague Mason Co. Cenr.
Fremont Monrague
60 92 56 60 74 67 55 78 68
56 56 75 81 63 57 46 64 68
67 56 69 57 54 74 57
.Mason Co. Cent.
Oakridge Ravenna Shelby Whirehall Ludingron
Musk. Carh. Cent.
Ravenna White Cloud
Shelby Whirehall
46 64
N. Muskegon
"Hoop hysreria has been a parr of my life since I firsr srarred ro walk. To me, rhere is no berrer emo- rional ourler rhen a good game of baskerball. Being parr of rhe baskerball program has raughr me many Things. I’ve learned how ro celebrare a vicrory, ro accepr a loss, and mosr imporranrly, I've experi enced rhe great emotional high that you get from compering in varsity sports.” — Scott Felrner, 33
Above is senior Scorr Felrner performing a lay-up shor against rhe Muskegon Carholic Central Crusaders. This game was played ar home, Friday January 5rh.
J.V. Boy's Basketball Gives Good Effort Nor Enough To Pull Off A Winning Season
would have mode a difference in a lor of their gomes. He believes there ore o lor of good athletes going up to the varsity, and he has high expecta tions of them. He also has high hopes for the J.V. next year. The J.V. showed much rolenr this year and much is expected of them in the future.
Although the junior varsity basket ball team made a good effort this season, they couldn't come out with a winning record. They ended their season with six wins and 14 losses. When asked, Coach Herb Foster stared that poor starts and injuries pla- qued the ream from the beginning of the season. Had the team nor hod these problems, Coach Foster felt it
J.V. Doy's Basketball Scoreboard
49 71 75 53 64 78 56 76 35
29 46 32 43 67 41 65 53 57
N. Muskegon Montague Mason Co. Cenr.
73 57 64 59 61
56 Fremont 63 Montague
64 Mason Co. Cent.
Oakridge Ravenna Shelby Whirehall Ludingron
66 Oakridge
53 Musk. Carh. Cent. 50 Ravenna 51 White Cloud 64 Shelby 58 Whitehall
48 43 40 57
N. Muskegon
Rusty Smith lets his teammates qer into their positions (top) Colvin Ackley looks for on open man, while Corey Michael anticipates the next move (right).
Ryan Fosrer goes for rwo ar rhe Harr-Shelby game (rop left). Corey Michael brealss owoy during rhe Shelby gome Crop right).
J.V. Basketball Team Mem bers, Front row: Manager — John Gale, Tyghe Mahynski, Doug Fosrer, Rusty Smith, Corey Michael, Calvin Ackley, Drerr Chase, Manager — Da- men Riggs. Second row: Mike Eisenlohr, Scorr Padilla, Joe Al- vesreffer, Scorr Powers, Eric Whitaker, Chris Vega, Drerr Beachum. Third row: Coach — Dob Fosrer, Robert Delgado, Ryan Fosrer, Drice Miller, Keith Clark, Drerr Fosrer, Brian DeAu- gusrine, Coach — Jim Lomie (Center).
Those wild and crazy cheerleading juniors, bock: Hearher Martin, Susy Blackmer, Lisa McGhan. Fronr: Michele Srovall and Rondo Greiner (right). Junior Varsity Basketball Cheerleaders, back: Lisa Sobers, Michelle Dillingham, Melissa Kennedy Front: Anna Dabinec, Tracy Riddell and Am y Krajewski (cen ter left). Freshman Amy Krajewski in acrion! (Center right).
"When you're a cheerleader, you find who really cares abour our school. Ir raughr me a lor abour school spirir, how imporronr ir is.”
Junior Varsiry Cheerleaders: Lisa Sobers, Melissa Kennedy, Anna Dabinec, Tracy Riddell, perform a floor cheer at Shelby.
— Susy Blackmer, junior
Who You Rooting For?
. . . H-H-S!!!!
Who has the ability ro pep up a crowd, wear a cheery smile, and keep cheering Throughout rhe game? Nope, ir's nor rhe pep band. Ir's rhe basketball cheerleaders. The basketball cheerleaders were made up of rwo squads, varsiry and J.V ., and were a screaming success. There were rwo seniors. They were December Saucedo, and Tonya Thorne. Some popular cheers were: H-A, Pee Wee, and many others. Melissa Kennedy, J.V. cheerleader stared, "I think ir's essential that we get rhe crowd going. If rhe crowd's pepped up and ready ro go, rhe ream will be. If rhe crowd is dead, so is rhe ream." Senior Tonya Thorne explained, "We do various rhings throughout rhe sea
son, like computer daring, selling car nations, and rhe Sweerhearrs Ball." Besides learning new chants and practicing routines, rhe cheerleaders also sold hearr-shaped pins, and made rhe colorful hall and locker signs. Becky Sloan exclaimed, "Ir's a lor of fun, bur would be more exciring if rhe school had spirit." Ms. Elenbaas, cheerleading advi sor, srared, "Ir's rhe besr ream I've worked with in a long rime, and they really enjoy cheering. They worked hard on rheir skills and rechniques, and were very cooperative. Beally good cheerleading in every sense of word." By Andy Alvesreffer, junior
Varsity Cheerleaders, bock: Lisa McGhan, Susy Dlackmer, Rondo Greiner, Heather Martin. Front: Tonya Thorne, Decky Sloan and Michele Stovall. Missing: December Saucedo. (Top) The Varsiry squad cheering rhe Pirates into triple overtime against Shelby (center left). Decky Sloan and December Saucedo prepare ro rake rhe floor (center). Interesting chant Michelle Dillingham, a real tongue twister (center right). Senior Cheerleaders December Saucedo and Tonya Thorne work our (bottom left). Lisa McGhan leads into a cheer (bottom right).
A Season O f Peaks b Valleys The Harr Varsiry Volleyball ream wear inro rheir season wirh high hopes and a young ream. Co-cap- rains were Korhy Markham and Darb Olson. of coming back from a big deficir broughr us closer rogerher, and proved rhar we could work rogerher if w e rried” , explained junior A im ee Ramseyer.
Having only four seniors and four juniors, rhe ream knew rhe challenge was rhere. They srrived ro reach rhe goal of a winning season, bur came up shorr. Even rhough rhe season record may nor have been a roral success, rhee were definirely some highlighrs, such as rhe major comeback againsr Oakridge. The ream was down 13-0, and came back ro win rhe march IT- 15. The enrhusiasm was up, and rhe ream did an amazing fear. "The rhrill
Anorher big momenr for rhe Lady Pirares, was rheir own Parenrs Nighr, where rhey defeared rhe Monrague Wildcars 15-2, 16-14, and won rhe game in rwo marches. The girls were psyched, and rhey knew a win was in hand. So rhe season progressed and rhe ream wenr inro Disrricr Tournamenrs playing Holron. They had an excellenr firsr march, bur fell shorr in rhe second ro lose rhe game. Dy Diane Srude, senior
Coach Brandel gives advice during a rimeour (rop right). The 1987-88 Varsity Volleyball Team: Rhonda Gordon — manager, Barb Olson, Diane Sruder, Sue Merren, Kris Carlson, Angie Contreras, Kathy Markham, Aimee Ramseyer and Coach — Jan Brandel (center left). Tonia Sloan goes up for an attack againsr Shelby (center right). Kathy Markham blocks (bottom left). Angie Contreras serves one for rhe Pirares (bottom right). 42
Aimee Ramseyer spikes one down againsr Whitehall, while Kris Carlson, Diane Sruder and Sue Merren are in rhe cover position (bottom center).
Aimee Romseyer is up for a dink, while Korhy Markham and Diane Sruder ger into coverage (lefr). Rhonda Gordon, senior manager, raises care of srarisrics with an official, rhanks Rhonda (cenrer left). Sue Merren is up for arrack while being double blocked by Whirehall (cenrer). Angie Conrreras spikes ir over againsr Shelby, while Diane Sruder looks on (cenrer right).
''Volleyball is more than jusr a sporr. Ir's my friends and I working rowords a goal.”
— Kris Carlson, 13
Varsity Volleyball Scoreboard
Musk. Com. College Inv.
Mason Co. Cenr. N. Muskegon
Ravenna Ferris Inv. Whitehall Shelby Oakridge Monrague Ravenna Whitehall Shelby Oakridge
Mason Co. Cenr. N. Muskegon
Aimee Ramseyer spikes ir over on Shelby, while Barb Olson is in coverage looking on (above).
W. Shore Com. College Inv.
The Senior Members of rhe Team: Kris Carlson and Barb Olson (standing), Diane Sruder and Tonia Sloan (sirring)
Dump! Ser! Spike! Kill! J.V. Volleyball Sends Us A Serve
Wirh only nine players, our J.V. ream foughr hard and did rheir besr. The ream was nor srrong, bur had rhe abiliry ro keep going and nor give up. Coach Gala May explained rhar many of rheir problems were, "due ro having only rwo rerurning players from lasr years J.V. We were a very inexperienced ream". Susie Mikkelson and Down Bron- kema were selecred as co-caprains, and commenred rhar rheir biggesr rhrill was winning rheir firsr gome of rhe season againsr Whirehall. The ream's leading servers were: Laura White, Michelle Alvesreffer,
Dawn Bronkema, and Susie Mikkel son. Susie Mikkelson lead in aces wirh 27. As a ream, rhey ser wirh 90% accuracy, and in spikes rhey hir 62%. Laura Whire and Susie Mikkelson were leading serrers, while Carol Towns and April Jewerr lead rhe spik ing. "Ir was nice ro see rhe girls finally srarr working rogerher as a ream", remarked coach May concerning her experience wirh rhjis ream. She add ed, "I had fun working wirh rhe girls, and I saw a lor of teamwork as rhe season progressed." By Andy Alvesreffer, junior
J.V, players do serving drills in warm up (ro p ). " I d o n 'r k n o w m y ow n srrengrh", soys Heidi Tare (middle lefr). Heidi Tare warches as her bump goes ro rhe serrer (middle righr). Junior Var sity Team Members, From: Tracey Jeffries, Carol Towns, Heidi Tare, Laura Whire and Michelle Alvesreffer. Dock. Coach — Gala May, Susie Mikkelson, Dawn Dronkema, April Jewerr, Hearti er Grinelle. (Team picrured righr).
Tracey Jeffries and Michelle Alvesreffer warch rhe game (rop left). Laura Vhire is ready ro go (rop righr). Michelle Alvesreffer smacks a serve (below). Carol Townes goes up for a block, while rhe resr of rhe ream goes up for coverage againsr Monrague (middle left). J.V. ream anricipares every move. (middle righr) Dionic volleyball player, Carol Towns (borrom left).
"Dump, ser, spike, kill! kill! kill! . . . ir's rhe name of rhe game."
Junior Varsiry Volleyball Scoreboard
Monrague Mason Counry Central Norrh Muskegon Ravenna Whitehall Shelby Oakridge Montague Mason Counry Central Norrh Muskegon
Ravenna Whitehall Oakridge
Nancy Elenbaas, cheerleading coach, loota approvingly ar senior Tonya Thorne's posrer (right). Ted Dailey, As sist, Arh. Dir, says, "Go ahead make my day." (Top cenrer). Oprimism and concentration reflect on the faces of Var, Basketball coach Richard Hunring- ton, Assist. J.V, coach Jim Lamie and J.V. coach Herb Foster, as they watch the intense varsity game (cenrer left). J.V. Volleyball coach Gala May shows off her "Alvin the Chipmunk” smile (cenrer right). Var. Volleyball coach Jan Drandel poses with her niece, Darb Olson (borrom left). Never fear Heg- gie's here! Assist. Var. Football coach Jack Heglund (cenrer).
Druce Anderson, better known as Dig 'Un, is the Assist. J.V. Foorball coach (right). Varsity Football coach Rev. David Villerr says, "If you like my legs now, you should see me donee.” (Cenrer borrom). 46
Mark James, rhe J.V. Foorball coach, poses with his rwo adorable children for a picture (top left). Phil Kenyon, coach of rhe Golf Team, says, "Boy, I jusr really love being a coach." (Top righr). Mark Bosse', Wrestling coach, and As sist. coach Mark Dean smile pretty for rhe camera (cenrer left). Harr's Athletic Director, John Shepich is trying to look busy (cenrer). Dave DuMonre is Harr's Girls and Boys Track coach in rhe Spring, in rhe Fall he coaches Cross Country (cenrer right). Girls Var. Basket ball coach Dave Wilson holds his future basketball star, daughter Marty (bot tom left). Melissa Koszegi, Assist. Track Coach (bottom right).
The Force Behind Every Pirate Team . . . Those Hardworking Coaches
arhleres inro rhe besr rhey can be. Coaching isn'r always an easy or glamourous job. Many rimes ir brings abour anger and frusrrarion. Ir rakes a very caring person ro coach. Winning is imporranr, bur if you ask any coach rheir priorities for rheir arhleres, rhey will say academic grades have ro come firsr. Dy Tonia Sloan, senior
This is a rribure ro rhose special p eo ple rhar make Harr High's reams whar they are. Coaches pur in many hours of rheir own rime ro make a ream whar ir is. Many people don'r realize rhe sheer dedicarton coaching rakes. Hours upon hours are spenr ar pracrices, on road rrips, and ar games. To be a coach means ro have grir and dererminarion. Ir means ro mold
V 1) Brerr Beachum, on his woy ro ree off. 2) Marc Sherman breaks rhrough rhe Shel by defensive line. 3) Vorsiry Cheerleaders: December Sau- cedo, Susy Blackmer, Rondo Greiner, Lisa McGhan, Hearher Marrin, Tonya Thorne, and Michele Srovall. 4) Angie Confreres breaks rhrough Scorr- ville to pass rhe ball. 5) Bob Yeager wins a well earned march.
Carhleen A . Ackley "Cathy"
Carhy Jo Aguirre *FP: Plan to go ro Africa rhe summer of '88; arrend Grand Rapids Baprisr College and m a jor in phorography and bible missions
Lisa Odessa Aguirre , FP go ro Kenya, Africa for rhis summer and then orrend college In rhe fall ro become a zoologisr.
*FP: Arrend college and major in biological sciences My long-term goal is ro run in the Olympics.
Bradley Kennerh Airland *MCM: Spending rime with Melissa and wres- rling or Srore.
Patrick Bailor "P o t"
Perer John Barren "Pete" *FE: "If ir swells ride ir!" (old surfing ream).
*DT: Summer of '87 inrhe Fior. Gov. w /rhe for bold headed m an", spending rime with JV, HC, DC, AM, PD. *FP. Go ro culinary orrs school.
Shawn Michael Brimmer
Annette Bose Brink Nu-Nu
Summer of '87 wirh Paul W ond my friends. Go ro college become o nurse And enjoy my mom and dad while I hove rhem
Paul Griffis pauses for a momenr of prayer.
Stephanie Anne Bush "Bushwacker"
Raymond K. Bush "Roy”
Jennifer Burns "Jenny"
•MOM. Dec. 2,1987, rhe doy I got engoged ro Ted. *FP: Go ro Wesrern, marry Ted ond raise o family, evenrually srarr m y own busi ness.
*DT: Summer of 87 and Nov. 27, 1987 *FP. Arrend Grand Volley while finishing up my 5 years left in rhe Army Reserves. ^
Krisreen Esrelle Carlson "Kristoff" *BT: Dor-rime wirh Rhonda; sorring pickles wirh Holly ond killer bees wirh Markham.
''Take me home, I need love," soys Par Bailor.
Whitesnake by
And rew Dale Carter "Carter" *FP Own my own business and collect vin- rage cars.
Holly Ann Cofer "Hotward/Ho Ho''
Melinda Ann Clark "Olga"
Nicholas L. Conrreras "Nicker"
*DT CMU parries wirh besr friend Zwade Bahaing in Carolina. Prom '87 Nighr-rime swimming w/Karla and camping 4rh of July
*MCM: 85/86 CA, Coop group, Aug. 21 & "W hat" w /KM , Pickle days w /KC, RG D- day, "cheds ir our" or Cp, Ps wkd w /BF JD, "Desr Friend".
•OF. Summer of '87 wirh a girl. *fP. Go ro Top Gun & fly rhe F-15 Eagle & F-14 Tomcar.
Misry Lyn Cory "Squishty"
Nancy Louise Dennison "Nance" *FP: Go ro college and become o nurse. *MCM: 3-21-87. *DT: All rhe rime spent wirh my close friends.
Scorr W a yn e DeMorr
•OF. When I srarred racing Pro.
Class O f 1988
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