1988 Hartian
Imagine rhe day of a game againsr our long-rime rival Shelby. Can you feel rhe exciremenr walking down rhe haP The inrensiry is thick in rhe air. The cheerleaders bubbling with exciremenr. The ream players smiling wirh nervous anriciparion. Thar describes rhe one rhing rhar counts very high in our school . . . pride. There is so much ro be proud of in our school. Nor only arhlerics, bur rhe clubs as well hold many of rhe achievers rhar are proud of rhem- selves and rheir school. Everyone really seems ro stick rogerher when ir comes ro all of our achievemenrs, including srudenrs, teachers, and our community. Mr. Shepich, our arhleric director, stored, "our arhleric program is well rounded. We offer rhe widesr range of inrerscho lasric sporrs in our league.’' He added, "in rhe past six 1) Sophomore, Connie Helmer shows off her new class ring she received Wednesday September 16, from Josrens. 2) "W e're proud ro be Pirates!", shours Mindy 10
years, Harr has won rhe all sporrs rrophy three rimes, and rook second rhe other rhree years which proves we're competitive ", Mr Shepich fur ther said, "w e have community sup port wirh rhe finest comples in rhe area." Mr. Hunringron is proud of our school as well. This is his comment as ro why we are proud, over fifry per cent of rhe srudenr body is involved in some kind of sporr or club, and we compare favorably ro rhe other schools in our conference." We would like our pirares ro know we srood behind rhem 100%. We are proud of all rhe people who showed rhe pride rhey felr, and we hope rhar rhis pride we felr will sray alive for generations ro come. GO PIRATES!!!
By Diane Sruder, senior b Dianna Flanery, senior
Clark, shown here wirh Tomi Zwode and Karla Gole. 3) Junior, Kelly Chase smiles, she knows she's o Pirore
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