1988 Hartian

all been waiting for arrived, rhe an­ nouncement of rhe 1987-88 Home­ coming King and Queen , . . Pete Darren and December Saucedo. Then for rhe special first dance of rhe eve­ ning for rhe royal couple and rheir court. The courr included Senior King ond Queen candidates: Karla Gale, Mart Gamble, Carhy Ackley, Mike Kokx, Mindy Clark and K.C. Fowler. The class represenrarives were: juniors, Troy Hardy and Susie Dlockmer; soph­ omores, Corey Micheal and Jaci Miller; and finally freshman, Mike Ei- senlohr and Mory Dlohm. Even though rhe Pirates didn’r win rhis game againsr Whitehall, ir didn’t dampen our spirirs or rhe donee, and managed ro brighren a dismal evening. Dy Dianna Flanery, senior 2) Homecoming Royalry Queen, December Soucedo ond King, Perer Darren 3) Danielle Willerr ond Mario VanAllsburg watch rhe game, prorecred from rhe elemenrs. 4) Sophomore Class Represenrarives: Corey Michoel ond Joci Miller,

On rhe dreary evening of October 2, 1987, floors were completed, bur drooping from rhe moisture The band was runed up, ready ro play our fighr song. The cheerleaders were fired up, ready ro cheer. The srudenrs were ready ro support our ream, and rhe players, anticipating victory, were ready ro play. This was rhe serring of our annual homecoming. Everything began as planned except for rhe weather, bur rhe rain and cold weren't enough ro spoil rhis memorable event. Things were handled a lirrle differ­ ently rhan rhe traditional ways. Due ro rhe roin, our royalty was crowned or rhe dance instead of on rhe field ar halfrime. Parents and srudenrs gathered in rhe gym ro see whar rhe outcome would be. Then rhe moment we had 1) Dreariesr homecoming in hisrory, 1987 If rhe roin wosn'r enough ro dampen our spirirs, rhe sprinkling sysrem accidenrly rurning on during rhe fourrh quarrer, managed ro drown any hopes w e had of enjoying rhe game 14

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