1988 Hartian
Locker Scene Lockers ore a cenrral parr of all srudenrs' acriviries, so we'd like ro dedicate rhis page ro rhe lockers of Harr High! They have personality, mu sical ability, character and versatility. They make accomodations for vis- tors, winter and old assignments. Locker inspections are some of rhe funniest times of rhe year. Srudenrs are rushing around trying ro ger rheir lockers clean before Mr. Huntington srarrs his rounds, trying ro ger rheir popcans our before "you know who'' rakes rhem. Lockers are a very important parr of highschool life. How they're deco rated certainly displays whar rhe indi vidual is really like. Everyone likes ro decorare lockers, bur ar rhe end of rhe year cleaning our a locker can be sad, bur filled with memories. By Jenny Tubbs, senior
1) Dill VanderZaden and Nick Confreres our of
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class again.
2) Drad Airland rhe "Meralhead" 0) Freshman Druce Dennison shows us he can open a locker, 4) Ir's so easy ro have fun ar H.H.S., isn'r ir Crysral Puggles and Gidger Perry? 5) Sophomore, Susan Yeager and bodyguard 6) Anna Dabinec, Amy Krajewski, Jaci Miller, Michelle Dillingham, Melissa Kennedy and Lisa Sobers, aren’r rhey special.? Parry Vargas
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