1988 Hartian

Carhy Ackley and Jenny Syer rook firsr and second ar rhe counry meer. Represenrarives from Shelby and Walkerville also rook placings. Carhy Ackley in boy's J V. race ar Shelby, while Jenny Syer is behind. Senior Runners: Tom Johnson, Troy Gebharr, and Corhy Ackley.

Carhy Ackley srrurring ir our.

Cross Country Scoreboard

Harr Placed:

5rh 4rh 6rh

W.M.C. Jamboree W.M.C Jamboree M.C.C. Invirarional W.M.C. Jamboree W.M.C. Jamboree Oceana Invirarional Tri Counry

1 st 5rh 4rh 3rd 14rh


Tom Johnson rakes rhe lead.

All-Conference, Carhy Ackley, Colvin Ackley & Jenny Syer.


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