1988 Hartian

Golf Team Tries Inexperienced Hampers Players Progress

"We have a porenrially good golf ream, bur rhey have ro work on rheir game more during rhe summer", srared coach Phil Kenyon. Kenyon also said, "This is rhe mosr inexperi­ enced ream I have ever coached." This years golf ream had a hard Fall wirh a 0 and 9 record, and a fifrh place conference finish. Kenyon said rhis years biggesr rhrill was, "Sropping ar Pizza Hur in Main- sree." And rheir worsr momenr,

"Gerring ro Mainsree lore, and rhen finding our we weren'r supposed ro be rhere rhar day." This years golfers ro received varsi- ry lerrers were: Darb Olson |sr, Sean Walsh 1sr, Tyghe Mahynski 1sr, Drerr Deachum 2nd, Brer Fosrer 2nd, and K.C Fowler 3rd. Brerr also was All- Conference for rhe second year in a row. By James Jensen, junior

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