1988 Hartian
Inspire O f A Difficult Season J.V.'s Show Potential
lr was o rough year for rhe youn ger pirare ream. The girls had a rough rime on rhe courr, ending rhe season wirh a 3-15 record. Alrhough rhey had difficulties, rhey displayed a lor of porenrial. When some of rhe players were asked how rhey felr about rhe season rhey generally agreed rhar rhey prac ticed well, and had good teamwork, bur had problems handling rhe pres sures of a game. Much of rhis was due ro rheir inexperience, and there should be real improvement next season. As freshman Mary Dlohm pur ir, "lr was a hard season since rhe ream was made up mainly of freshmen, bur I feel we worked real well togeth er." The reams biggest rhrill was bear ing Mason County Central ar home 39-35. They were coached by Mr. and Mrs, Dove Wilson. By Diane Sruder, senior
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The J.V. Girl's Basketball Team (rop) From rop ro borrorr ). Susie Mikkelson, Melissa Kempker, Heidi Tare, Heidi Brimmer, Chris Gray, Liz Lorenz, Mary Blohm, Jill Jacobs, Debbie Willerr, Cheryl Srevenson.
Jill Jacobs, "Biding rhe pine isn't fun." (Above)
Heidi Brimmer is being blocked while arrempring ro pass rhe ball. (Righr)
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