1988 Hartian

Quarterback Jeff Gebharr #12, abour ro hand off ro Shaun Day wirh Aaron Nass lead blocking (right). Shane Tare rakes off as rhe Pirares crush rhe defensive line (below).

Inexperience And Injuries Plague Varsity Football, Bur . . . Pirares End Season On High Note

The varsity foorball ream didn't have rhe best of luck this season. Lack of experience and injuries prohibited rhe ream from coming our wirh a winning season. Although rhey strug­ gled all season long, rhe Pirares end­ ed rhe year on a high nore, defeating Manisree Catholic 35-6. The ream ended rhe season wirh a record of 1- 8. Winning special recognition was Shane Tare, rhe Pirares leading run­ Varsity Football Team (Center), Fronr. Man ager Oscar Villanueva, Ross McCloskey, Shane Tare, Jeff Gebharr, Aaron Nass, Todd Robbins, Drenr Fosrer, Tony Alvesreffer, Manager Den Kaar. Middle■ Equipment Manager Druce An­ derson (Dig t In), Lorenzo Rodriguez, Shaun Day, Mark Sherman, Mart Gamble, Dob

ning back, as an All-Conference play­ er. When asked, Coach Dave Willerr said rhar despire rheir losing season rhe ream did have fun. Although a lor of good players are graduating, Coach Willerr said, rhe re­ turning members of rhe squad will be experienced, and wirh rhe players coming up from rhe J.V ., he has high hopes for nexr year. By Boss McCloskey, junior Yeager, Chris Gale, Dave Masunas, Head Coach Dave Willerr. Ooc/i- Assistant Coach Jack Heglund, Drian Srevens, Craig Masr, Mike Kokx, Mark Smith, Gary Tare, Drad Airland, Tim Kaar, Chuck Eckholm. Shane Tare rries ro find a hole in rhe defensive line wirh Marls Smith blocking (Dorrom right).

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