1988 Hartian
Wrestling Team Members, Front: Jason Riggs, Druce Dennison, Mike White, Dustin Miller, Larry Rasmus sen, Tony Alvesreffer, Don McGhan, Dennis Pider, Jeff McGhan, Second Row. Chris Dosse', John Earle, Dob Yeager, Dave Venne', Troy Gebharr, Tim Powers, Trenton Lynn, Greg Air land, Ross McCloskey, Mart Riggs. Third Row Shane Tare, Joel Claeys, Mark Sherman, Lorenzo Rodrigues, Brad Air land, Rich Bronkema, Brian Sr. Clair, Jim Gray, Ron Rash, Coach — Mark Dosse', and Todd Robbins. Missing. As sistant Coach Mark Dean. Bob Yeager uses a muscle hold ro pin his opponent (below). Dustin Miller gets psyched up for his march or the Hart Invitational (center). Troy Gebharr works ro get a take down (bottom).
Young, Bur Exciring!
The wrestling ream, with only five returning seniors, was young and in experienced. For many of these wrestlers, it was their first year in the sport. With a conference record of four wins, no losses and two ties, the team showed lasting endurance through out the season. The two ties were against Shelby and Scorrville. In oil tournament meets, our wres tlers never rook lower than a fourth place. Most of these were with class A & D Schools. Four wrestlers qualified for the Indi vidual Store Tournament. Lorry Ras mussen and David Venne both 34
placed second, and Brad Airland placed third. Trenron Lynn also wres tled at Stare. Brad Airland and Trenron Lynn both reached 100 wins. Brad also set a new school record for the most wins and technical falls for the season. Coach Mark Bosse was proud that all members made varsity. "Every wrestler was on asset ro the team'', commented coach Bosse'. A new comer to the program was assistant coach, Mark Dean. Mandy Fiockerr, Crystal Whitney and Danielle Willett also helped our os star takers and managers. By Crystal Whitney, senior
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