1988 Hartian
A Season O f Peaks b Valleys The Harr Varsiry Volleyball ream wear inro rheir season wirh high hopes and a young ream. Co-cap- rains were Korhy Markham and Darb Olson. of coming back from a big deficir broughr us closer rogerher, and proved rhar we could work rogerher if w e rried” , explained junior A im ee Ramseyer.
Having only four seniors and four juniors, rhe ream knew rhe challenge was rhere. They srrived ro reach rhe goal of a winning season, bur came up shorr. Even rhough rhe season record may nor have been a roral success, rhee were definirely some highlighrs, such as rhe major comeback againsr Oakridge. The ream was down 13-0, and came back ro win rhe march IT- 15. The enrhusiasm was up, and rhe ream did an amazing fear. "The rhrill
Anorher big momenr for rhe Lady Pirares, was rheir own Parenrs Nighr, where rhey defeared rhe Monrague Wildcars 15-2, 16-14, and won rhe game in rwo marches. The girls were psyched, and rhey knew a win was in hand. So rhe season progressed and rhe ream wenr inro Disrricr Tournamenrs playing Holron. They had an excellenr firsr march, bur fell shorr in rhe second ro lose rhe game. Dy Diane Srude, senior
Coach Brandel gives advice during a rimeour (rop right). The 1987-88 Varsity Volleyball Team: Rhonda Gordon — manager, Barb Olson, Diane Sruder, Sue Merren, Kris Carlson, Angie Contreras, Kathy Markham, Aimee Ramseyer and Coach — Jan Brandel (center left). Tonia Sloan goes up for an attack againsr Shelby (center right). Kathy Markham blocks (bottom left). Angie Contreras serves one for rhe Pirares (bottom right). 42
Aimee Ramseyer spikes one down againsr Whitehall, while Kris Carlson, Diane Sruder and Sue Merren are in rhe cover position (bottom center).
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