1988 Hartian

Carhleen A . Ackley "Cathy"

Carhy Jo Aguirre *FP: Plan to go ro Africa rhe summer of '88; arrend Grand Rapids Baprisr College and m a­ jor in phorography and bible missions

Lisa Odessa Aguirre , FP go ro Kenya, Africa for rhis summer and then orrend college In rhe fall ro become a zoologisr.

*FP: Arrend college and major in biological sciences My long-term goal is ro run in the Olympics.

Bradley Kennerh Airland *MCM: Spending rime with Melissa and wres- rling or Srore.

Patrick Bailor "P o t"

Perer John Barren "Pete" *FE: "If ir swells ride ir!" (old surfing ream).

*DT: Summer of '87 inrhe Fior. Gov. w /rhe for bold headed m an", spending rime with JV, HC, DC, AM, PD. *FP. Go ro culinary orrs school.

Shawn Michael Brimmer


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