1988 Hartian
It's been a year of change. Changes in friendship, fashion, music, and personal growth. We've seen our teachers strike and we've seen some switch subject areas. Mr. Marshall rook a different step in reaching by dropping government and picking up chemistry. When asked how he liked this change he was quoted as saying, "Oh, I love it.” He also reaches biology and finds the change fun and refreshing, bur a lor of work. We also acquired a new superin tendent, Mr. Patrick Gaudard, who had a lor of new ideas to be tried. He's interested in giving an equal edu cation to every student, nor only to
college bound students, bur to those nor going ro college as well. This year we even rook a different approach ro lunch. Two lunch periods were squeezed into our schedule, both of which interfered with fourth hour, our social life and cur down the amount of rime we had ro ear. We had 8:00 classes this year, and 8:30 classes in Shelby. At 8:00 we had drafting and yearbook. In Shelby calculus and Spanish were held or 8:30. The year has been full of changes nor only in the world, bur within our school, as well, bur we've had fun and it's been worth it! By Holly Cofer, senior 1) Mr Mike Trego, bond direcror, asks, "Whor's your sign?" 2) Chef Richard Hunringron? 3) Lance Malburg and Roberr Yeager Trying ro make a polirical impacr on rhe srudenr body during srudenr council elections. 4) New superinrendenr Patrick Gaudard working hard ro make some changes.
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