1988 Hartian
Taking A Moment To Thank Our Staff
Our staff cares for the students in many ways that are taken for grant ed. The cooks keep them from dying of malnutrition, while the custodians protect them from grime and dis eases. The secretaries, principal, su perintendent and counselors keep records of their past and help prepare for their future. And the teachers bear education into their heads in hopes that they'll learn at least tad Aebig Theodore Bailey Karhryn Carter
enough to go on with life after high school. We, on the yearbook staff thought we'd try something different this year and write a small, bur meaningful dedication for the staff. We also thought we'd ask the student body to recognize the hard work the staff purs in, and say, "thank you" to each staff member they see. By Holly Cofer, senior
Gladys Crosby Priscilla Dennison Alra Drum Nancy Elenbaas
Patrick Gaudard Sandra Gordon Rurh Ann Hackerr Dennis Hedinger Jack Heglund Richard Hunringron
James Johnson Jacqulyn King Rurh Ann Glover Neil Marshall Roberr Mikkelson O'Neil Newkirk
Linda Pererson James Quinn Joan Ramseyer Alan Rirrer John Shepich Beverly Stafford
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