1988 Hartian

"Ready, horns up, AGH!" Thar's whar many of us heard during rhe marching band season. The marching band was led by senior drum majorerre December Saucedo, performing in usual acriviries of halfrime performances in rhe foor- ball games, and various parades. Nor ro menrion rhe unique dances as rhe "Temprarion'', rhe "Gorilla'', and many orher favorires. The band's lasr performance, known as rhe Senior Show, fearured Commando, Land of a Thousand Dances, and Twisr and Shour. Con grars seniors For rhe firsr rime in 37 years, rhe

band saw rhe change of Junior Band merging inro rhe Senior Band, chang­ ing rhe name from Harr High School Senior Band ro rhe Harr High School Band. Though rhey srill have ro be shown who's boss. Band officers were elecred, and rhey were: Presidenr — December Saucedo, Vice Presidenr — Kris Carl­ son, Secrerary — Rondo Greiner, and Treasurer — Lance Malburg. Band represenrarives were: Senior, Crysral Whirney; Junior, Jenny Hammerle, Sophomore, Debbie Willerr; and Freshman, Tim Powers. By Andy Alvesreffer, junior

3) Bond Officers: (front) Pres. — December Saucedo. V P — Kris Carlson, Sec — Rondo Greiner, Tres. — Lance Malbura Band Representatives: (boch) Senior, Crystal Whirney, Junior, Jenny Hammerle, Sophomore, Debbie

4) Bond srops ro ploy during

Halloween Parade

Willerr Freshmen, Tim. Powers.


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