1988 Hartian


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As you're sirring in doss raking o resr, or lisrening ro one of rhe fascinar- ing lecrures one of our dear reachers or H.H.S. has cooked up for you, where does your mind wander off ro? Could ir be lazy days on rhe beach, sleeping in, parries, sraying our lore, or NO SCHOOL!:5!? Summer seems ro be rhe overall choice of seasons for Harr srudenrs. Can you blame rhem? Wirh acriviries such as boaring, swimming, wind surf­ ing, and jusr plain hanging our ar one of our rourisr rraps (such as Silver Lake or Penrwarer) who wouldn'r love ir? "Summer is a rime when I can jusr ger away from all of rhe pressures of homework, grades, parenrs and reachers", commenred Holly Cofer. Crystal Whitney's main complaint is rhe "traditional rourisrs", "Bur I don'r mind rhem if they're good looking guys", she added Dob Yeager's ex­ planation of summer was, "long days, hard work, and good rimes." When asked whar rhe best parr of summer was this is whar some of our H.H.S. srudenrs had ro say: Pete Barten, "No school, girls, no school, sand, no school, warer, no

school, sun, no school, beach parries and NO SCHOOL'" Nicole Woyne "Being able ro go our every nighr and sleep in every morn." K.C. Fowler, "Water skiing.” Chris Foster, "The pre Val-du ger rogerhers (in other words, PARTIES) wirh Rhonda, Dan, Traci, Donny, Bev, Alan and Darin." Chris Sebolt, "Ain't no school, noth­ ing bur beachin' and girls, girls, girls. Lloyd Cloud, "No books, no resrs, norhing except sleeping." Stephanie Murdock, "Going ro rhe beach, sleeping in. Tourisr friends come up." Amy Vanzoeren, "Going ro rhe beach and meeting guys!!!” Troy Fessenden, "Sleeping in." Kevin Stevenson, "Work and Uncle Jack!" Carlo Hovey, "Staying our lore, and my parenrs going ro Canada!" All in all, summertime is great for srudenrs and reachers alike. So when you think rhe school day will never end, jusr think of summer, ir's sure ro bring a smile ro your face! By Dianna Flanery, senior




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