1988 Hartian
1) Warch our Tami Zwade, you mighr perspire. 2) "Oh, I hope rhor hor chick norices me, bur rhen, how could she nor?'', soys Moris Sherman or Craigs Cruisers. 0) "This lady berrer rip me afrer oil of rhis", soys Tom Kaar while on rhe job or Hansen Foods. 4) Here is hard working Dove Masunas ar his summer job or rhe Penrworer Srare Paris. 5) Dob Yeoger, Lance Molburg, Tonia Sloan, and December Saucedo, were choosen ro arrend Boy’s and Girl's Srare rhis summer ar Cenrrol Michigan Universiry. 6) Jennifer Syer arrended cross counrry camp ar Wolverine 7) You look happy K.C. Fowler, whor's in rhe cup? 8) Amy Bamseyer and Declsy Sloan pracrice for rhe syncronized swim ream. (Aren'r rhey good?) 9) Todd and Troy Fessenden builr more rhan jusr muscles rhis summer. Shown wirh rhe resr of rheir crew ar worls on a log cabin, rhis was rheir summer job in Penrworer. 10) Afrer 10 hours of classroom work a day or summer yearbools camp, ar Oakland Universiry, Jenny Durns, Dianna Flonery, Holly Cofer, Andy Alvesreffer and Boss McCloskey comremplare jumping off rhe campus bridge 7
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