1988 Hartian
No Rocking Choir for E.J.!
Mr. Edwin Johnson roughr or Harr High School for 33 years before retir ing last Spring, 1987. He raughr or Hopkins Public Schools for two years previous ro Harr, and is a graduate of rhe University of Michigan. Mr. Johnson has lived most of his life in Mears, and graduated from Harr High School. He has three chil dren,- a son, Erik, and two daughters, Ingrid and Elisaber Before he starred reaching he worked in factories. His reaching ca reer consisted mostly of general sci ence, biology and chemistry, bur he did reach U.S. History briefly. Since his retirement he's been busy with his asparagus, apples and Christ mas trees. He's a member of rhe Oceana Historical Society, Mears Community Church, and he's town ship clerk of Mears. This foil Mr. Johnson visited Sweden and had a good rime despite rhe
dizzy spells he was suffering. He plans to do a lor more traveling in rhe years ro come. "I didn't miss school and rhe stu dents as much as I thought I would", commented Mr. Johnson. He added that he is happy, and he's trying ro keep himself busy. "I'm relieved that I'm nor reaching anymore, because I wouldn't want to go through that mess with rhe teachers", he further added refering to rhe strike and un settled contract. "I don't want ro sir down in a rock ing chair and become a vegetable!", he stared as our interview drew ro a close. Well, Mr. Johnson we're glad, that just wouldn't be you. You've done a lor for us here ar H.H.S. and we'd like ro thank you, and wish you luck in your future. Enjoy your retire ment, you've earned it. By Holly Cofer, senior
1) Mr Johnson wirh his besr friend. Sneaky Snake 2) E J wirh "his kids"! 0) Sirring prerry and enjoying his reriremenr. 4) This is rhe rype of environment w e can come to expecr E.J. ro be in. 5) Mr. Johnson and wife Lisa in rheir gazebo.
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