1988 Hartian

No Rocking Choir for E.J.!

Mr. Edwin Johnson roughr or Harr High School for 33 years before retir­ ing last Spring, 1987. He raughr or Hopkins Public Schools for two years previous ro Harr, and is a graduate of rhe University of Michigan. Mr. Johnson has lived most of his life in Mears, and graduated from Harr High School. He has three chil­ dren,- a son, Erik, and two daughters, Ingrid and Elisaber Before he starred reaching he worked in factories. His reaching ca­ reer consisted mostly of general sci­ ence, biology and chemistry, bur he did reach U.S. History briefly. Since his retirement he's been busy with his asparagus, apples and Christ­ mas trees. He's a member of rhe Oceana Historical Society, Mears Community Church, and he's town­ ship clerk of Mears. This foil Mr. Johnson visited Sweden and had a good rime despite rhe

dizzy spells he was suffering. He plans to do a lor more traveling in rhe years ro come. "I didn't miss school and rhe stu­ dents as much as I thought I would", commented Mr. Johnson. He added that he is happy, and he's trying ro keep himself busy. "I'm relieved that I'm nor reaching anymore, because I wouldn't want to go through that mess with rhe teachers", he further added refering to rhe strike and un­ settled contract. "I don't want ro sir down in a rock­ ing chair and become a vegetable!", he stared as our interview drew ro a close. Well, Mr. Johnson we're glad, that just wouldn't be you. You've done a lor for us here ar H.H.S. and we'd like ro thank you, and wish you luck in your future. Enjoy your retire­ ment, you've earned it. By Holly Cofer, senior

1) Mr Johnson wirh his besr friend. Sneaky Snake 2) E J wirh "his kids"! 0) Sirring prerry and enjoying his reriremenr. 4) This is rhe rype of environment w e can come to expecr E.J. ro be in. 5) Mr. Johnson and wife Lisa in rheir gazebo.

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