1988 Hartian
Shored Time Expands Minds, Nor Budgets
While many good classes were of fered or Harr, others were also avail able from different area schools. Ludingron High School's vocational education program was one option. Students were taken by bus from sec ond through fourth hours everyday. Graphic arts, auto shop, machine trades, distributive education, com puter accounting, and health occupa tions were subjects taken. Everyone who participated en joyed the experience. Catherine Lo pez, said "Graphic arts is very excit ing, and it has a variety of things to d o ." Gidger Perry commented,
"Health occupations is interesting be cause I want to be an R.N some day." Mr. Tom Wescorr, the pro gram's advisor stated he loved having the students, and added, "there's a good mix of students through the program." Another option involved classes with Shelby. Their students came here for drafting, while ours went there for Spanish and calculus. These shared rime classes proved a great way to expand our curriculum without added expense to taxpay ers. Dy Diane Studer, senior
1) Gidger Perry and Sherry Lenon love their health occupations class because they meet lots of new friends 2) Jodi Derger soys, “ I love distributive ed., other srudenrs should try it
3) Shored time participants: Catherine Lopez, Carrie Wabin- dato, Todd Fessenden, Chris Jensen, Sherry Lenon, Misty Cory, Santiago Chapo, Tracey Guerzko, Jodi Derger, An nette Drink, Dyron Davis, and Gidger Perry. 4) The graphic arts group: Catherine Lopez, Todd Fessenden, Chris Jensen and Carrie Wabindaro, agree this is a good class for anyone interested in photography.
5) Dyron Dovis says, "This automotive class is a good w ay to learn o trade” .
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