1988 Hartian
Homecoming "87" Definitely ''Something Different"
DSince rhe rain prevenred rhe onnouncemenr of rhe king and queen during half rime, many H.H.S, garhered in rhe gym following rhe gome ro hear who had won. 2) Mr Hunringron gives December Saucedo o congrarularory hug. 3) The homecoming dance was fun for all. 4) Chrisry Lund and dare ore having a good rime. 5) Heidi Tare and Tom Jensen bear rhe rain ro warch rhe game. 6) The 1987 Homecoming Court: Pere Dar ren, K.C. Fowler, Mike Kokx, Marr Gamble, Troy Hardy, Corey Michael, Mike Eisenlohr. Front: Karla Gale, December Soucedo, Mindy Clark, Carhy Ackley, Susy Blackmer, Jaci Miller and Mary Dlohm. 7) Drerr Fosrer, Susie Mikkelson and Brian DeAugusrine are eager ro dance. 8) Juniors Tom Kaar, James Jensen, David Venne, and Dwighr Fuehring rry ro hold rheir 1sr place floor rogerher os rhe rain pours down during half rime.
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