1988 Hartian

Showing Some Spirir! Many srudenrs participated in the spirir week activities held during homecoming. The categories were chosen by the cheerleaders to bring our the spirir in everyone. These cate­ gories were:

Tuesday — Hat and Shades Day Wednesday - Scum Bum Day Thursday - Class Color Day Friday — Red and White Day

1) Mario VanAllsburg, Liz Lorenz and Karen DuMonre. 2) Jess McClellan and Jeff Gebharr 0) Crysral Vhirney 4) Mindy Clark and Tami Zwade. 5) Sophomores ar pep rally. 6) Juniors win yelling conresr. 7) Dusrin Miller and Tonia Sloan acting as M.C.'s for rhe pep assembly on Red and Whire Day


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