1988 Hartian
The French Connecrion
restaurant. This year four of the members: Ai- mee Rayseyer, Reid Sisson, Jennifer Warren, Anna Uriels, and their advi sor, Nancy Elenbaas, traveled to Que bec over Spring break. The trip was a long one, bur they all enjoy them selves. They were grearful for the opportunity to sample the atmo sphere of Canada's oldest city. Dy Holly Cofer, senior
The French Club is mode up of a mixrure of different level French stu- denrs interested in learning more about France and the w ay the French live, while still maintaining a sense of culrure and enjoyment. As in years past, the club spon sored a French week at Harr High. French candies were sold in different varieties, and with the money earned, they went to see a French movie and had dinner at a French
1) Lisa McGhan and Renee Frisherr study hard to learn rhe "language of love" 2) French Club Members, front: Kathy Sruder, Kristy Lund, Nancy Elenboos — advisor. Middle: JoAnne Merrill, Angela Fleer, Lisa Aguirre. Dads: Renee Frisherr, Rueben Dearrie, Reid Sisson, Shannon Gebharr, Brenda Spivey. 3) Don'r be angry Anna Uriels, everyone messes up somerime! 4) Members going to Quebec: Anna Uriels (sirring), Nancy Elenbaas — advisor, Aimee Ramseyer, Jennifer Warren, Reid Sisson (sronding).
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