1988 Hartian

The French Connecrion

restaurant. This year four of the members: Ai- mee Rayseyer, Reid Sisson, Jennifer Warren, Anna Uriels, and their advi­ sor, Nancy Elenbaas, traveled to Que­ bec over Spring break. The trip was a long one, bur they all enjoy them­ selves. They were grearful for the opportunity to sample the atmo­ sphere of Canada's oldest city. Dy Holly Cofer, senior

The French Club is mode up of a mixrure of different level French stu- denrs interested in learning more about France and the w ay the French live, while still maintaining a sense of culrure and enjoyment. As in years past, the club spon­ sored a French week at Harr High. French candies were sold in different varieties, and with the money earned, they went to see a French movie and had dinner at a French

1) Lisa McGhan and Renee Frisherr study hard to learn rhe "language of love" 2) French Club Members, front: Kathy Sruder, Kristy Lund, Nancy Elenboos — advisor. Middle: JoAnne Merrill, Angela Fleer, Lisa Aguirre. Dads: Renee Frisherr, Rueben Dearrie, Reid Sisson, Shannon Gebharr, Brenda Spivey. 3) Don'r be angry Anna Uriels, everyone messes up somerime! 4) Members going to Quebec: Anna Uriels (sirring), Nancy Elenbaas — advisor, Aimee Ramseyer, Jennifer Warren, Reid Sisson (sronding).


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