1988 Hartian
S.A.D.D. Is Happy To Say, "If You Drink, Don'r Drive!"
narrared a subtle, bur ro rhe point skit concerning some of rhe tragedies of drinking and driving, during rhe Christ mas ralenr show. In May, rhey introduced rhe Prom/ Graduation acriviry. ked ribbons were given our, ro be tied on car doors as a symbol of rheir message, "If you drink, don'r drive.” This was inspired by a simular program intro duced by rhe Mothers Againsr Driving Drunk (M.A.D.D.) organization, during Christmas. by Holly Cofer, senior
Srudenrs Againsr Driving Drunk (S.A.D.D.), is a program organized ro make srudenrs aware of rhe problem wirh drinking and driving in our na- rion, in hopes rhar rhey mighr acr responsibly if rhey're ever pur in such a siruarion. The group's main goal is ro lower rhe number of dearhs caused by drinking and driving every year. A criv irie s sponsored by our S.A.D.D. group included an aware ness week, during which S.A.D.D. in formation was given our. They also
3) Carhy Aguirre smiles, knowing her parricipa- rion has helped ro save someone's life. 4) Jennifer soys, "I don'r see why people need alcohol, rhis punch is jusr as good wirhour ir, don'r you rhink Rueben Dearrie." 5) Carhy, Andy, Dob, Malissa and Jennifer were S.A.D.D.'s mosr active members.
1) Jennifer Shay, Carhy Aguirre and Malissa Vega, S.A.D.D.'s officers. 2) S.A.D.D. Members: Molisso Vega, Dob Yeager (front), Carhy Aguirre, Jennifer Shay, Andy Alvesreffer, Lance Molburg, and Kendra Walsworrh fbocto, demon- 108 srrare rheir goal.
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