1988 Hartian

Enjoy Performing? Ir's For You, So . . . Lights, Camera, Action!

pantomime their favorite musical en­ tertainers. It rakes charge of the High Jinks Talent show in the spring rhar provides the public an opportunity to recognize the talents of our students. This year the Drama Club present­ ed an educational play shown to the elementary students called A*B*C (America Before Columbus). The Drama Club has extensive vari­ ety. No matter what your taste is, if you enjoy performing, this club is for you. Ir's nor only an educational ex­ perience, ir's also enjoyable. You're sure to have a good rime. By Dianna Flanery, senior

The Drama Club, headed by advi­ sor Doug Weaver, is responsible for many major acriviries rhar happen throughout the year. It gives the stu­ dents a chance to show their theatri­ cal abilities and display their own cre- ariveness in many ways. The Drama Club presents entertain­ ment for the students and communi­ ty alike. Among these features are the Christmas Talent Show held be­ fore Christmas vacation, where stu­ dents perform in front of their class­ mates. The club also sponsors the annual Mock Rock Concert, which gives the student body a chance to

1) Jeff Gebharr and Srewarr Padilla rry our for A*B*C. 2) Drama Club Members, front: Andy Mason, Shannon Rasmussen, Sarah Slocum, Jenny Dold, Rondo Wendr, Roberr Yeager, Mindy Clark, Dana Woodley. 2nd row: Mr Doug Weaver — advisor, Crysral Whirney, Ann Hunringron, Anna Uriels, Tisha Hieinisch, Heidi Tare, Tom Jensen, Brad Youngsrrom 3rd row Brian Sr, Clair, Srewarr Padilla, Tonia Sloan, E.J. Pressley, Laura Whire, Dianna Flanery, Holly Cofer, December Saucedo, Tami Gebhorr Ooc/s. Amy Adams, Chaunee Culler, Jeff Gebhorr, Kendra Walsworrh, Amy Krojewslsi, Monica Huizing, Tonya Gebharr, Jodi Pearson, Chris Jensen. 0) Brad Youngsrrum applies his make-up in prepararion for his performance in "A Chrisrmas Carol". This play was a projecr rhar was produced in co-operarion wirh rhe Oceana Players, Oceana Inrermediare School Disrricr, Oceana Performing Arrs Council and rhe H H S Drama Club. Ir was presenred in December 4) "Ger our of my face!", reads Ann Hunringron, as she and Anna Uriels rehearse rheir parrs.

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