1988 Hartian

Expression & Emotion The Forensics Way This is rhe rhird year the Forensics Club has been in existence. It's mem­ bers consist of:December Saucedo, Sarah Slocum, Dob Yeager, Shannon Rasmussen and Brad Youngsrrom. The purpose of rhe Forensics club is ro compere in speech contests with many schools from rhe store of Michi­ gan. Doug Weaver, rhe group's advisor, registered with rhe Stare Forensics De- parrmenr in October, which sched­ uled Harr in rhe different comperirions through our rhe srare. The members musr find marerial ro fir rheir category of interest. Harr par­ ticipated in: dramatic interpretation,

storytelling, business presentation and humorour interpretation, bur there are many more. Once they're ready, they head ro rhe Manistee Invitational. This all rook place in late March They went on ro Districts, from rhere ro Regionals. During these comperirions, rhe per­ formers advance ro rhe next round depending on how many are com­ pering in each category. First, second and rhird places head ro Regionals. Once at Regionals, talent, practice and plenty of luck might rake a com­ petitor ro Srare. By Brad Youngsrrom, junior

1) Ann Hunringron gives her beginning year in Forensics her mosr enrhusiasric, besr shor. 2) Dob Yeoger fearfully rhinks, "Oh, my gosh — a flying bog of Ruffles!" 3) Forensics Team: Sarah Slocum, Shannon Rasmussen, December Saucedo, Drad Youngsrrom, Doug Weaver — advisor, Jennifer Dold, Anna Uriels, Dana Woodley and Dob Yeager. 4) Anna Uriels, is rhar a srory you're frying ro rell us? 5) Shannon Rasmussen during an exrremely dramaric momenr in comperirion.


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