1988 Hartian

Dump! Ser! Spike! Kill! J.V. Volleyball Sends Us A Serve

Wirh only nine players, our J.V. ream foughr hard and did rheir besr. The ream was nor srrong, bur had rhe abiliry ro keep going and nor give up. Coach Gala May explained rhar many of rheir problems were, "due ro having only rwo rerurning players from lasr years J.V. We were a very inexperienced ream". Susie Mikkelson and Down Bron- kema were selecred as co-caprains, and commenred rhar rheir biggesr rhrill was winning rheir firsr gome of rhe season againsr Whirehall. The ream's leading servers were: Laura White, Michelle Alvesreffer,

Dawn Bronkema, and Susie Mikkel­ son. Susie Mikkelson lead in aces wirh 27. As a ream, rhey ser wirh 90% accuracy, and in spikes rhey hir 62%. Laura Whire and Susie Mikkelson were leading serrers, while Carol Towns and April Jewerr lead rhe spik­ ing. "Ir was nice ro see rhe girls finally srarr working rogerher as a ream", remarked coach May concerning her experience wirh rhjis ream. She add­ ed, "I had fun working wirh rhe girls, and I saw a lor of teamwork as rhe season progressed." By Andy Alvesreffer, junior

J.V, players do serving drills in warm up (ro p ). " I d o n 'r k n o w m y ow n srrengrh", soys Heidi Tare (middle lefr). Heidi Tare warches as her bump goes ro rhe serrer (middle righr). Junior Var­ sity Team Members, From: Tracey Jeffries, Carol Towns, Heidi Tare, Laura Whire and Michelle Alvesreffer. Dock. Coach — Gala May, Susie Mikkelson, Dawn Dronkema, April Jewerr, Hearti­ er Grinelle. (Team picrured righr).


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