1988 Hartian
Tracey Jeffries and Michelle Alvesreffer warch rhe game (rop left). Laura Vhire is ready ro go (rop righr). Michelle Alvesreffer smacks a serve (below). Carol Townes goes up for a block, while rhe resr of rhe ream goes up for coverage againsr Monrague (middle left). J.V. ream anricipares every move. (middle righr) Dionic volleyball player, Carol Towns (borrom left).
"Dump, ser, spike, kill! kill! kill! . . . ir's rhe name of rhe game."
Junior Varsiry Volleyball Scoreboard
Monrague Mason Counry Central Norrh Muskegon Ravenna Whitehall Shelby Oakridge Montague Mason Counry Central Norrh Muskegon
Ravenna Whitehall Oakridge
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