1988 Hartian

Mark James, rhe J.V. Foorball coach, poses with his rwo adorable children for a picture (top left). Phil Kenyon, coach of rhe Golf Team, says, "Boy, I jusr really love being a coach." (Top righr). Mark Bosse', Wrestling coach, and As­ sist. coach Mark Dean smile pretty for rhe camera (cenrer left). Harr's Athletic Director, John Shepich is trying to look busy (cenrer). Dave DuMonre is Harr's Girls and Boys Track coach in rhe Spring, in rhe Fall he coaches Cross Country (cenrer right). Girls Var. Basket­ ball coach Dave Wilson holds his future basketball star, daughter Marty (bot­ tom left). Melissa Koszegi, Assist. Track Coach (bottom right).

The Force Behind Every Pirate Team . . . Those Hardworking Coaches

arhleres inro rhe besr rhey can be. Coaching isn'r always an easy or glamourous job. Many rimes ir brings abour anger and frusrrarion. Ir rakes a very caring person ro coach. Winning is imporranr, bur if you ask any coach rheir priorities for rheir arhleres, rhey will say academic grades have ro come firsr. Dy Tonia Sloan, senior

This is a rribure ro rhose special p eo ­ ple rhar make Harr High's reams whar they are. Coaches pur in many hours of rheir own rime ro make a ream whar ir is. Many people don'r realize rhe sheer dedicarton coaching rakes. Hours upon hours are spenr ar pracrices, on road rrips, and ar games. To be a coach means ro have grir and dererminarion. Ir means ro mold


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