1988 Hartian

Nancy Elenbaas, cheerleading coach, loota approvingly ar senior Tonya Thorne's posrer (right). Ted Dailey, As­ sist, Arh. Dir, says, "Go ahead make my day." (Top cenrer). Oprimism and concentration reflect on the faces of Var, Basketball coach Richard Hunring- ton, Assist. J.V, coach Jim Lamie and J.V. coach Herb Foster, as they watch the intense varsity game (cenrer left). J.V. Volleyball coach Gala May shows off her "Alvin the Chipmunk” smile (cenrer right). Var. Volleyball coach Jan Drandel poses with her niece, Darb Olson (borrom left). Never fear Heg- gie's here! Assist. Var. Football coach Jack Heglund (cenrer).

Druce Anderson, better known as Dig 'Un, is the Assist. J.V. Foorball coach (right). Varsity Football coach Rev. David Villerr says, "If you like my legs now, you should see me donee.” (Cenrer borrom). 46

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