1988 Hartian

Jennifer Leigh Dold "Tiger-Eyes"

Stephanie Ann Dyksrerhouse "Steph” *DT: PARTIES, Roadrrips, and bumming with Die. *MCM: Summer '86 & 12/25/07.

Michael John DuMonre "Dewey" *FP: Become o Stare Cop and arrest little punks for speeding.

*DT: Silver Lake and rhe spasric Dro. *FP. Live life ro rhe fullest with John by m y side. Go ro Calif and never miss a sunset

Scorr James Felrner "F” *DT: 86-80 with J.R. and K.C., Dip Rip cruises. *MCM: July 5rh, 1986 with Kristy.

Charles O. Eckholm "Corky”

John Earle "Johnno'/'Johnboy"

*DT: Going our with my friends.

*MCM: Inverted flight over Leonardo Dovin- ci's opium pool *FP. Go ro Californio, marry Jennifer, love and cherish her forever.

Todd Fessenden ''Fess'7"Mod Mox"

Scorr Felrner gers on arrack of rhe dreaded Senioriris!

*MCM Groduarion porry 1985. *FP i plan ro conrinue in graphic arrs and drive a Ferrari ro m y dass reunion.

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