1988 Hartian
mmmmm i
Dianna Louise Flanery "Duki Uki Yaki" *AU: "I want ro write something rhor will never go our of style. So I'll just soy "Parry in Class!"
Angela Dawn Fleer ’Angie''
Chrisrine Barbara Foster ’Sloth" *FP Go ro o business college and become on occounronr *DT Grandma's house wirh Rhonda ond rhe gang. Regisrer gong junior year.
*MCM 11/30/87. *DT: Spending a weekend in Ohio wirh Deric, parrying in rhe summer of '87, and riding in Par's Fiar.
Kennerh Clark Fowler "K.C." *DT: Summer of '87 with rhe cruisers and all rhe wild rimes with “ F" in my senior year. *FP: Arrend MSU after 1 year or MCC.
"I'm a good boy, I do my homework'', soys Troy Gebhorr,
Christopher Richard Gale ’ Chris''
Karla Kay Gale "Grace” *MCM: Summer of '87. *DT: "Joanne's.'
Matthew Hamilton Gamble "Juco” *FP: Go ro Ferris Srare. *DT Comping Memo rial Day weekend ond cruisin in rhe Monre. *F5: "Animal" by Deaf Leopard.
Class O f 1988
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