1988 Hartian


Tamra Gail Gebharr "Tami”

Troy Vernon Gebharr *MCM: Meering Lisa in 10rh grade *DT. Go­ ing shopping in Muskegon wirh her. *FP Attend AASU.

Russell A. Gilberr "Bosco” *DT Going ro Johnny's wirh m y girlfriend *FP Work on on oil rigger

*MCM: 12.20 AM February 14, 1987. *DT. "Camping" rhar w eek wirh Holly ond Kris in Penrworer

Rhonda Kay Gordon "Rhon”

James Gray "Matrix Kith”

Paul Griffis *FP: I wonr ro ger my block belt and open a karare school. Possibly own my own resrou- ranr.

*DT Parrying ar Grandma's house wirh CF My 18rh D-day. Camping 7/4. Working ar Sroney Lake Bar wirh Kris, KISS Con. w /J.T

*AU: "To rhose who oren'r yer; bur will be; Ir's everyrhing ir wosn'r, use ir for all rhere is” .

Tracey Guerzka "Spocey” *DT. The weekends. *MCM: Seprember 6 1987.

Marr Gamble shows his sophisricared side


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