1988 Hartian

Craig Russell Masr "Croigmen”

And rew P. Mason *DT Times wirh Shannon, and rimes wirh our gong in rhe hippy von.

Lance R. Malburg "Lancer”

*DT: Cruising in Monre. Comping Memorial Day '87 Staying in rhe Econo Lodge. Time spenr in Walkerville after foorboll gomes.

*FP Arrend Michigan Tech , graduate and become rich & famous. *DM Deing most spirired or football gomes.

David Keith Masunas "Goonas" 'FP Army. *07 Summers '85, '86, '87. * “ Do unro orhers os rhey do unro you."

Andy Correr, Tom Johnson, and Todd Rob­ bins, it rakes rhree of you ro make o chess­ board?

Todd Allen Nyquisr

Tonia Marie Miller ‘ Pumpkin”

JoAnne Marie Merill "Jo" *MCM: December 26, 1987 & summer of ’87. *FE: Holy cow!

*FP: To fulfill my dream of succeeding in o modeling career Go Traveling wirh my boy­ friend. Move our of Michigan.

Class O f 1988


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