1988 Hartian
Barbara Louise Olson "Barb"
Todd W . Powers "Toad”
Charles T. Parnell, Jr. "Dig Chucky” May life be os fulfilling as your dreams.
To oil m y friends in Harr High. "Thanks for all of rhe grear rimes and good luck in rhe furure ro everyone.”
*DT: Being rhe only girl on rhe golf ream & Sorurday Actionary parries or Kris’ house I
Todd Micheal Riggs *DT: Summer of '87, and rhe worm nighrs I spenr wirh Kellie. Seprember of '87 when Curr and I discovered rhe mud papers!
Deric Paul Riggs
*MCM: The summer of “ 85". *FP: Vacation ing in California and going ro Sourh Eastern Academ y in Florida. Eva jew e l R enee Pressley
Todd James Robbins
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