1988 Hartian



Kevin John Stevenson "Uncle Jack” *DT. All rhe good rimes on rhe beach or Penrwarer with Jorgen. *FP. Take up police or DNR work.

Monica Schaner shows senior mentality and intelligence with this precious moment candid shot by one of our own Harrian staff photographers.



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Diane Carol Sruder "Die”

Gary Allen Tare *FP: Going ro Ferris. *DT: Weekends parrying wifh Kevin and Shane.

Toni Lee Srorms *MCM: The summer of '87 and Jon. 8, 1988 meeting Scott. *FP: I haven't rhe slightest idea!!

*DT: Comping 4rh of July "87” , housesirring, roadrrips and bummin' with Sreph. *DM "JOANN'S” .



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Shane Michael Tare "Tater"

Par Bailor, Angie Fleer, and Todd Fessenden demonstrate the "LOVE” each senior shares between themselves here ar good ole Harr High.

*DT: Dahaing in rhe Carolina & staying w / rhe Lepord Crew ar Econo Lodge. * M CM . Prom '87 ar rhe Novascova w / rhe 1 I love

one who believes and then achieves.”


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