1988 Hartian
December Anne Saucedo "Dismember" *DT: Gerring involved, meering new friends and having fun! *FP To arrend AASU and major in communications.
Senior class officers: Perer Darren, President, Carhy Ackley, Vice-president; Karla Gale Treasurer; and Jodi Verschueren, Secretory, stand proudly in front of our school memorial
Tonia Joy Sloan "Ton" or "TJ."
Sarah J. Slocum "Suki Yaki"
Monica Lynn Schaner "Shorty "/"Moni"
*DT: 4rh of July weekend, housesirring, rime with friends ond Prom '87 with J.G *FP: Go ro AASU ond live a long and happy life.
*AU: "Don'r srop thinking about tomorrow, it'll soon be here, better than before, yesrer^ day's gone." *DT. Senior year '88
*MCM Memorial Day '87 and rhe entire summer of '87, and rhe many concerts, esĀ pecially Def Leppard.
Mark C. Smith "C.C. Quiff" *MCM. Making all-rournamenr 3 years, and 1sr hour foods class.
Dill VonderZonden and Nick Conrreros show off o snowmobile jusr before hopping on, and riding off ro save rhe world.
Class O f 1988
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