1988 Hartian
Lisren To The Harr Dear The journalism class Is who we should give credir ro for our monthly issue of rhe Harr Dear. Our newspa per holds rhe interest of every reader with such features as rhe "Opinion Polls" and "Did You Know?", and also rhe action packed sporrs stories. Under rhe supervision of Miss Elen- baas we think they have done a good job this year In co-operation with rhe Harrian Staff they went ro M.S.U. ro attend a journalism seminar sponsored by rhe MIPA. We would like ro extend special thanks ro rhe entire staff for keeping rhe school up on rhe news. Good going! Dy Dianna Flanery, senior
1) Yearbook and journalism srudenrs: Ross McCloskey, Jodi Verschueren, Tami Zwade, JoAnne Merrill, Moncia Schaner and Crysral Whirney, relax berween seminars, in rhe lounge of MS.U.'s Kellogg Cenrer 2) The Horr Dear and Harrian Sroffs pose on "Sparry" or M.S.U. 0) December Saucedo and Kris Carlson, enjoyed rhe "Super (slide) Show" so much ar M.S.U. rhey jusr couldn’r help dancing, 4) You'll never ger o job wirh rhe "Wall Srreer Journal" in rhar ourfir Par Bailor. 5) Harr D ear Staff, 1sr row December Saucedo, Tami Gebharr, Kris Carlson, Angie Fleer, Par Doilor, Tonya Thorne 2nd row Todd Fessenden, Mindy Clark, Tami Zwade, Dana Woodley, Lisa Aguirre, Srephanie Murdock 3rd row: Bob Yeager, JoAnne Merrill, Jodi Verschueren, Shane Tore, Jamie Jensen. 4rh row Advisor — Miss Elenbaas, Monica Schaner, Marr Gamble and Craig Masr 6) There can'r be anyrhing rhar disgusting in a journalism book Dob Yeager 7) Dana Woodley conremplares whar facts she will include in her srory on rhe parry habirs of H.H.S. srudenrs.
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