1988 Hartian

You Like lr? . . . We Did Ir! The yearbook sraff has done a lor of work ro make rhis 1988 bools good. We strived for "Somerhing Dif­ fe re n t'W ith Mrs. King as advisor, Dianna Fianery and Holly Cofer as co- edirors,- Andy Alvesreffer, jr. editor; Jenny Tubbs, sports editor; Diane Sruder, business manager; Boss Mc- Cioskey, head photographer; Jenny Durns, darkroom editor Tonia Sloan, candid editor; and photographers. James Jensen, Crystal Whitney, we believe rhis was achieved. We are proud despite non-staff criticisms To that we say . . . "If you think it's easy, TITY IT!" By Dianna Fianery, senior

1) H artian Staff: We're "Something Different” — Dianna Fianery, Jenny Durns, Doss McCloskey, Diane Sruder, Jenny Tubbs, Tonia Sloan, Andy Alvesreffer, Crysral Whirney, Holly Cofer, Jamie Jensen 2) Crystal, Holly & Dianna, hor or nor? 3) Jenny earing her breakfast 4) Tonia and Dianno, in rhe mens' room? 5) "Holly, I know how much you wanr me, bur ir could never be” , says Doss. 6) Holly, Diane & Crysral aren't rhey cure? 7) "God grant me sereniry", prays Mrs. King

8) Oh Andy, whar a srudious child. 9) Jenny concentrates on rolling film 10) "Get our before you expose my negarivesl", yells Jamie Jensen.

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