1988 Hartian
Smart, Wirh A Hearr!
down, held a breakfast for rhe faculty on Teacher Appreciation day, and were in charge of rhe Red Cross Blood Drive, which was held April 22. The officers this year were: Cathy Ackley, president; Troy Gebhart, vice president; and Jennifer Hammerle, secretary. The biggest accomplish ment achieved by rhe group, was rhe $430.00 they raised by trick-or- treating. This was $130.00 more than they collected last year. By Tonia Sloan, senior
The National Honor Sociery is a dub organized ro recognize the outstand ing students of Harr High. Students are picked by their grade point averages and their participation in the school's activities. The members of the National Hon or Sociery meet about six rimes a year to plan meetings for the annua! activities they do each year. Every year they do trick-or-treating for the Medical Care Center, make Christmas cards, and carol at rhe Medical Care. The members sponsored a spell
Tonia Sloan, Day Dush, Carhy Aguirre, Jennifer Shay, Craig Mast, Mindy Clark, Malissa Vega. 4) Troy Gebhart and Dob Yeager are dressed ro kill. 5) The rop rrick-or-rrearing money collectors: Lisa Aguirre, Carhy Ackley, Carhy Aguirre and Tonia Sloan, presenting a check ro rhe Oceana Medical Care Center. 6) K.C. Fowler, Tami Gebhart, Lance Malburg, and December Saucedo caroling for pa tients.
1) Carhy Aguirre, Cathy Ackley, and Lisa Aguirre count money collected afrer rrick-or-rrearing. 2) Jenny Hammerle is wondering if Shane's got himself in trouble again. 0) National Honor Society Members Front: Lisa Aguirre, Stephanie Dush, Tami Gebhart, Jenny Hammerle, Carhy Ackley, Troy Gebhart, Drad Atland, Dob Yeager, and James Cunningham — advisor. Dad fe December Saucedo, Greg Atland, Jim Gray, Stewart Padilla, Lance Mal- burg, keid Sisson, Kris Carlson, Mike Larhrop,
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