1988 Hartian

Smart, Wirh A Hearr!

down, held a breakfast for rhe faculty on Teacher Appreciation day, and were in charge of rhe Red Cross Blood Drive, which was held April 22. The officers this year were: Cathy Ackley, president; Troy Gebhart, vice president; and Jennifer Hammerle, secretary. The biggest accomplish­ ment achieved by rhe group, was rhe $430.00 they raised by trick-or- treating. This was $130.00 more than they collected last year. By Tonia Sloan, senior

The National Honor Sociery is a dub organized ro recognize the outstand­ ing students of Harr High. Students are picked by their grade point averages and their participation in the school's activities. The members of the National Hon­ or Sociery meet about six rimes a year to plan meetings for the annua! activities they do each year. Every year they do trick-or-treating for the Medical Care Center, make Christmas cards, and carol at rhe Medical Care. The members sponsored a spell­

Tonia Sloan, Day Dush, Carhy Aguirre, Jennifer Shay, Craig Mast, Mindy Clark, Malissa Vega. 4) Troy Gebhart and Dob Yeager are dressed ro kill. 5) The rop rrick-or-rrearing money collectors: Lisa Aguirre, Carhy Ackley, Carhy Aguirre and Tonia Sloan, presenting a check ro rhe Oceana Medical Care Center. 6) K.C. Fowler, Tami Gebhart, Lance Malburg, and December Saucedo caroling for pa­ tients.

1) Carhy Aguirre, Cathy Ackley, and Lisa Aguirre count money collected afrer rrick-or-rrearing. 2) Jenny Hammerle is wondering if Shane's got himself in trouble again. 0) National Honor Society Members Front: Lisa Aguirre, Stephanie Dush, Tami Gebhart, Jenny Hammerle, Carhy Ackley, Troy Gebhart, Drad Atland, Dob Yeager, and James Cunningham — advisor. Dad fe December Saucedo, Greg Atland, Jim Gray, Stewart Padilla, Lance Mal- burg, keid Sisson, Kris Carlson, Mike Larhrop,


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