1988 Hartian

Crazed Individuals Keep On . . . Pep'n Ir Up!

Don'r you enjoy going ro sporting events and listening ro the Pep Band get the athletes and the fans oil riled up? Thar is what the pep band is for. The member's goal is ro bring spirit and enthusiasm ro all participating, and frankly, I, as a pep band mem­ ber, love ir! Any member of the concert bond may join the pep band. Practice and participation are both done on the members own rime. Points are given for every event a person parricipares in, such as assemblies and basketball

games. A band member can't be marked down for not playing in pep band, bur they can get extra points towards their grade and a letter. They also perform at other sporting and community events where they are invited ro provide entertainment. "I see pep band as a bunch of crazed individuals trying ro pep things up", asserts Mr. Trego, advisor, when asked ro describe his pep band. By Crystal Whitney, Senior

1) Aren’r you guys supposed ro be playing your horns, Scorr Powers and Tony Alvesreffer?!?! 3) Jason Piggs loolss amused by his excellenr ploying.

2) Lynn VonSicWe plays his hearr our during a game. 4) Tim Powers and Shannon Pasmussen are a couple of crazed individuals!!


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